28. Hide me/her!

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Hey peeps! Today is my dear brother's birthday. So, this chapter is dedicated to my brother. I can't mention him because he is not on Wattpad.

Enough of my rambling.

Please enjoy reading.



After he left for the office I waited for him. I surfed my mobile for some time and ended up sleeping on the couch. When I opened my eyes I was in bed and Abhinav was sleeping with his hand around my waist. I tried to remove his hand but he was snuggling more into me. I got an idea and blew some air on his face. He laid down straight and I got the chance to get out of his grip. I got ready and walked out. I saw he was sleeping peacefully. I went to the kitchen and prepared coffee for everyone. I served the elders while the younger came and took their cups. I went to our room with both of our cups. He is reading a file and is looking so sexy doing so. I gave him his coffee. He took it without averting his gaze from the file. I wanted to distract him so I cleared my throat. But he is so involved in that stupid file and didn't even take a look at me. I did two more times and left him alone thinking he might be stressed due to yesterday's incidents and that file might be important. I got ready in my office attire and went out without disturbing him. I wanted to say bye like daily but what if I disturbed him? So, I just went away.

When I walked out I saw Khanna talking to his family. He is talking about some emergency for which he needs to arrange money. I overheard them and said I will pay the bills. But he is Abhinav's security head who has the same stubbornness as him. Even after I requested many times he said it would be wrong of me to pay their bills. Finally, I lost it and challenged him to stop me if he could. He might get that stubbornness from his boss but I can even make his boss listen to me.  I went to the hospital where his girlfriend's father was being treated and settled the bills. If they were married they would be his family and Abhinav's company would have paid the bills but they were not and this idiot didn't say anything to Abhinav thinking it was improper to ask for help from his boss.

Then I  went to a hotel as Abir and Shreya asked me to come there and they also requested me not to inform anyone about this. So, I went to the hotel after picking up Shreya. I saw Abir having lunch with some girl. What is happening here? I went to them and took my seat.  Shreya sat beside me.

"What are you doing here?" They both asked each other at the same time. I thought they both planned together and called me but these people don't even know about each other being here.

"Leave it, guys. Why did you both want to meet me here?" I asked cutting out the chase.

"I want a favor!" Both of them said simultaneously and looked at each other. I looked at them and my phone went off before I could speak. I was about to answer but they both asked me not to with their eyes. So, I cut the call. Abhinav called me again and these people asked me to cut it. I didn't want Abhinav to get tensed so, I texted him saying I was busy and I would call him later. Soon, Abir's phone went off and he too cut the call. It repeated again and even Abhishek called him but he just missed the calls. What's wrong with him? What's happening here? I just hope everyone is fine. I will call Abhinav as soon as possible. But before we all could talk further one of the security came and handed over his mobile to me. It's Abhinav. I talked to him and was relieved to know nothing happened. But I mocked him for not paying attention to me in the morning. It will be fun to see him in the evening.

"Say it guys! What do you want?" I asked them again.

"I want you to hide me for a few days," Shreya said fidgeting her fingers. What's wrong with her? Where will I hide her?

"Why?" I asked her raising a brow but she said she would explain it to me later.

"And what about you devar ji?" I asked Abir. He is looking very nervous.

"Bhabi...woh..." He is unable to form sentences even. What happened to him? Why is he behaving like this? I held his hands in mine and gave him a gentle squeeze.

"You know you can share anything with me right? Why are you nervous?" I asked him calmly and he nodded his head and drank some water.

"I want you to hide her," He said pointing to a girl. What the hell is wrong with these two? Am I some bank locker to hide things? They are asking me to hide people but why?

"Why Abir?" I asked him and he gave me the same reply saying he would explain everything later. I can't leave them for their problems. So, I agreed to help them. We had our lunch and after that that girl went away and I took Abir and Shreya with me.

I dropped Shreya at her home and went to the office with Abir. We did our work and went home in the evening, not before I talked to him. Abhinav and Abhishek didn't return yet so, I took a warm relaxing bath and started reading my book. 

I was so engrossed in reading my book that I didn't notice Abhinav standing in front of me. He took the book from my hands and that's when I acknowledged his presence. I was about to wish him but turned to the other side to tease him.

He came and stood in front of me. I again turned my gaze and he again walked in front of me. When I was about to turn again he held my wrist and pulled me to a standing position. Before I could say something he lifted me in bridal style and started walking towards bed.

"Abhiav leave me! What are you doing?" I asked holding his neck tightly.

"Trying to get my wife's attention." He said looking straight. 

"Yeah! The same wife whom you ignored in the morning!" I said and rolled my eyes. He made me lay down on the bed and hovered over me.

"Firstly, don't roll your pretty eyes at me biwi. And secondly, I didn't react because I wanted you to call me not clearing your throat." He whispered in my ear. I can feel my heartbeat rising due to the proximity between us. Butterflies started dancing in my stomach and my cheeks were burning. 

"Get... get off me," I said stuttering. Why the hell am I stuttering? He came close and started rubbing his nose over my cheek and then started nuzzling my neck making it difficult for me to breathe.

"Are you angry with me?" He asked snaking his hands on my sides. God, this is giving me goosebumps all over my body. I shook my head in no.

"Words biwi! words!" He said in my ear and nibbled it making me arch my body up.

"N...no... I just... wanted to disturb you but thought... you were busy...so.." I was unable to speak when he was snaking his hands on my waist and nuzzling more into my neck.

"You are becoming naughty Princess! You are going to be punished! And about the part of being busy, I am never busy when it comes to you. you can always come and talk to me whenever you want." He said in a husky tone making me go weak. Before I could ask him anything he bit my neck making me hiss in pain. He soon started licking and nibbling it causing me to moan.

"Abhi... Abhinav, I need to talk to you." I said trying to hold my moans.

"Talk baby! I am not stopping you." He said but continued with his sweet torture.

"Abhinav..." Before I can say further both our phones rang at once and we got up and answered the calls. 

The news I received made my world stop.

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