36. Will you be able to save her till coronation?

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We both woke up and went to our respective work after getting ready. I dropped her at her office and reached mine. Now she is the COO of her dad's company and Abir is the marketing head. She is managing both of their works as Abir is not here. I got busy with my day and went back home late at night. I walked in and saw Isha sleeping on the dining table resting her head on her hand.

I shook her a little and she sat up with a tired smile.

"Get changed. I will re-heat the food," she said with a smile and I went up to kiss her forehead.

I took a quick bath and changed into my sweatpants and T-shirt. I went down and saw her arranging dinner for both of us. We both had our dinner and went to our room. I sat leaning on the headrest and she snuggled closer to me resting her head on my chest.

"Nav..." She called me cutely. 

"Hmm..." I hummed kissing her hair.

"I am scared." She said making me furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"About what baby?" I asked rubbing her palms. She huffed and turned to me.

"About Manjiri. What if she tries something else to harm us?" She asked in a worry-laced voice. That woman is not someone who sits quiet after facing humiliation and her text clearly states that her next target is my wife. But, I can go to any extent to keep my Isha away from all the possible troubles. I can bring down the mightiest of people to their feet if they try to harm my wife.

"She won't even be able to touch you, princess. I will make sure of it." I replied.

"I want everyone else to be safe too! Mainly you Nav!" she said and kissed my cheek.

"By the way biwi, when are we going to take the next step in our marriage?" I asked her in a teasing tone to divert her mind and she became a strawberry blushing. Her eyes became saucers and her mouth was agape.

"Nav..." She whined cutely hitting my chest and hiding her face in my neck.

"I'm serious biwi, now look at me," I said making her look at me and holding her face.

"Soon Mr. Husband, until then can I cuddle with my King?" She asked kissing my eyes.

"As my queen commands!" I replied and we both slid under the covers but we didn't stop at cuddling and it led to a hot makeout session.

The next time I woke up she was already getting ready for her work. 

"Good morning!" She wished, looking at me through the mirror. I walked toward her and kissed her till we both were out of breath. I traced kisses down her jawline.

"Now it's a good morning Princess!" I whispered in her ear and bit her earlobe before walking into the bathroom.

She was taking out her nuptial chain when I came out after bathing. I took it from her and tied it around her neck. Then I took a pinch of vermillion from her sindhurdhani and filled her hair partition. A little vermillion fell on her nose. She wiped it blushing.

"It became red."  She said pointing to her nose after wiping her nose.

"But doesn't it mean I love you so much when Sindhur falls on your nose?" I asked snaking my arms around her waist and pulling her closer.

"Yes!" she replied with a blush and kissed my cheek. 

"I love you Nav!" She said tightening her hold around me.

"I love you more, Princess!" I replied kissing her forehead.

"I should go now," She said getting away from me and walking out. I felt something horrible was going to happen when she left. I just hope she will be safe.

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