52. His past

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The hawan went on for 3 and a half hours continuously with the chanting of holy hymns and sacred mantras by the priests from various corners of the state. I kept adding ghee to the holy fire with Isha holding my elbow. When it was time for giving Aahuthi I held my hand out and Isha kept her hand in mine. We both, together offered the sacrifice to the god of fire and took blessings from the priests. Then, Isha made sure that everyone from the family got the blessings and prashad in pairs including the officers who came here. Then she distributed Prashad and Aarthi to everyone present.

We went back to our room nearly at 11 as I had to make sure of the safety arrangements and she had to help Abir and Abhigya decide their outfits and help Dadi and other ladies in getting the things ready. It was supposed to be the duty of the mother of the future king to make preparations but that woman never cared about me nor she was interested in being my father's wife. Coming to my siblings, everyone is very much attached to her, her suggestions and opinions matter a lot to them. Abir being Bhabi's chamcha insisted that Isha choose his outfit for his special day and she, the over-pampering bhabi agreed to his demands. Abhigya was confused about what to wear and came to her favorite bhabi asking for help to choose one among the 5 pairs of lehengas she bought.

"Tired?" She asked me with a tired smile as soon as I entered the chamber. She was standing on the balcony gazing at the moon but turned around as soon as she noticed me. 

"Hmm," I hummed in reply and back-hugged her resting my chin on her shoulder. She leaned back on my chest and we stood there under the blanket of stars indulging in the warmth of each other for some time.

"Do you want a massage?" she asked after a while turning around a little. I shook my head,

"You were working since morning, you must rest," I replied.  Her massages are the best stress relievers but I couldn't bring myself to ask her to give me a massage after seeing her work so much today.

"I know you need it badly. Let me bring oil." She said and walked away not caring about my trying to make her believe that I was fine. She bought the oil and made me sit on the carpet placed on the ground on our balcony with cushions and pillows lying on all sides and in the middle. IT must be her arrangement.

She sat on the chair and sat on it. She poured the massage oil into her hand, rubbed her palms together, and pressed her fingers on my scalp making me close my eyes in relaxation.

"Nav, I will not mess it up tomorrow, right?" I heard her after a few minutes of peaceful silence. I turned around and kept my head on her lap wounding my hands around her waist.

"You will not, and even if you will I will clear it for my princess," I replied while she started running her fingers in my hair. I can sense the tension in her.

"What if Bua dadi sa says something?" She asked again. I wish I could just send that woman away but I can't and she has been traumatizing the women in my life, but not my wife.

"You are the Queen, love. Queen of this dynasty, My Queen. You hold the ultimate power over everything and everyone including the King. No one has any right to say something to you. If they do, then the King will give them a fitting reply." I declared, my voice filled with sincerity and anger. 

"You know, I love the teasing side of you more than the angry one." She ruffled my hair making me smile. I know she is trying to change the topic and I let it pass snuggling into her stomach.

"Princess, do you want to know about my childhood? I want to share everything with you." I asked her and she nodded enthusiastically making me chuckle. I sat straight and patted the place beside me asking her to get down. She sat beside me. I freed her hair from the braid and started massaging her head as she rested her head on my shoulder. 

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