41. Aftercare!

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I fell beside her after our passionate moments. We took some time to calm down our rugged breaths. Once we were breathing normally I kissed her forehead.

"I love you princess!" I said caressing her hair which is sticking to her body due to sweat.

"I love you too, my prince!" She replied kissing my chest and wrapping her hands around my torso. 

"Let's clean up," I said scooping her in my arms and taking her to the bathroom. I made her sit on the counter and filled the tub with water. Once I made sure the temperature was ideal I made her sit in the tub and cleaned her. She relaxed after a while and leaned back on my chest. 

We came out once the water started turning cold and I took her to the closet. I wrapped a towel around my waist and took out her undergarments and one of my T-shirts. I was about to make her wear her clothes when she stopped me.

"I will do it myself." She said with a shy smile.

"I will do it. " I said and she passed me an unsure look.

"Princess, if I have a right to take off your clothes during our lovemaking, then I should also take the responsibility to make you wear them afterward," I replied pecking her cheek and she gave in this time. I made her wear my T-shirt which effortlessly reached to her thighs.

"You go and lay down. I will come after dressing up." I said but she nodded her head in negative and stood there. I put on sweatpants, lifted her in my arms, and walked towards our bedroom. Once we were both in bed I covered us with duvet and pulled her closer to me. She rested her head on my chest and dozed off almost immediately. I kissed her forehead before letting sleep take over.

The next morning I woke up when I heard my phone buzzing on the bedside table. I looked down and saw my princess sleeping peacefully with her hands on my chest and our legs entangled. My trance broke when the phone buzzed again. I picked it up and kept it to my ear.

Abhishek informed me about him and Abir coming directly to our palace and asked about how his babhi was. I said she was doing good and asked him to take care of Abir. We spoke for a while about business-related matters and cut the call after half an hour. I looked down to find Isha sleeping without any disturbance due to all the talking.

"Princess, wake up!" I cooed her and she snuggled more into my chest shaking her head.

"Princess!" I called again.

"Let's sleep na Nav! Please!" She requested with a cute pout without opening her eyes.

"Okay! First, eat something and then you can sleep. " I tried again and this time she got up reluctantly.

"Good morning Nav!" She said kissing my cheek.

"Good morning princess!" I replied kissing her forehead.

"Do you want to go for a workout?" I asked her and she immediately shook her head in a no.

"I am too tired to even walk." She replied with a pout. I lifted her in my arms and she squealed.

"What are you doing?" She asked wrapping her hands around my neck.

"You are too tired to walk. So, I am just helping you." I replied winking at her. She fake glared at me but her smile betrayed her. I kept her down once we reached the bathroom and walked out after giving her a towel and filling the water for her.

I did a few workouts and went back to my room. By that time she was ready for her office. She was about to apply vermillion but I took it for her and applied it myself. She smiled looking at me through the mirror.

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