55. Plan in action

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The coronation ceremony concluded with lots of blessings and smiles. Papa wanted to organize a party in the evening to make us both interact with all the important people who work in our trusts and take care of the proper working of the institutions and organizations of the Royal family for the people of Rajasthan. He also invited many politicians and the kings of various other dynasties. 

It was already 3 p.m. when I asked a servant to bring mine and Abhinav's lunch to our chamber and moved to our chamber to change into something comfortable. Nav came in after a few minutes and plopped down on the couch, tired.

I forwarded him a glass of water and he gave me a tired smile before gulping the entire glass. I chuckled at him and sat on the stool to take off all the heavy jewelry. My choker got tangled in my hair and I could not take it off. After 2 failed attempts I huffed making Nav look at me opening his eyes. He chuckled at my clumsiness and got up from his place to help me. He helped me remove all my jewelry and freed my hair from the tight bun. Then he went into the closet and bought my most comfortable nightwear.

"Change into this. We have some time before getting ready for the party." He said and I quickly changed into the clothes. We both had our late lunch together and I jumped onto the bed as if I had been sleepless for months making Nav laugh at me. He too changed his clothes and joined me.

The next time I woke up when I felt Nav caressing my cheeks with the back of his palm but I kept my eyes closed. Then he kissed my forehead and muttered 'wake up' in my ears slowly. I opened my eyes and gave him a sleepy smile. He was ready wearing his Jodpuri suit with his hair neatly set. 

"Am I late?" I asked sitting on the bed hurriedly. He took my hands in his and kissed them answering 'no'.

I took a quick shower because I was actually late but Nav asked Papa to delay our entry for some time and the others to engage the guests till then. 

I wore a wine-colored saree matching his outfit and kept my makeup and jewelry minimal. I wore a fancy saree as it was a party and Abhinav strictly asked me not to wear any heavy outfits tonight as he thought I was torturing myself with all those heavy outfits.

When we both were out of our room, we met Dadi sa and Dadu sa and we all went to the ballroom together. As soon as we reached near the ballroom an announcement was made about our presence and I felt it very different while the others remained unaffected. 

Nav forwarded his hand as the doors were about to open and I slid my palm in his. He intervened our fingers and guided me in while Daadu sa and Dadi sa disappeared into the crowd. Nav introduced me to some of the Kings & Queens and I greeted them politely. 

Once we were free from greetings, Nav took me to the food counter and we both had a juice while I glanced at my family. Abhishek was smiling at something Priya said while Bhai and Abhigya were lost in their own world forgetting the existence of people around. My poor Abir was sulking at the drinks counter not knowing what to do as everyone else was busy with their respective partners. Soon, Nihal bhai joined him with almost the same expressions and they both started talking. All the elders were busy interacting with different people. As I roamed my eyes further and saw Aadhi bhayya kissing Prisha bhabi behind the curtain, I almost choked on my drink.

"What happened, Princess?" Nav asked concern evident in his voice as he started rubbing my back. I nodded at him saying I was fine as I couldn't form words. He rubbed my back and patted my head until the coughing stopped and made me drink a few sips of water.

"Now tell me, what made my Queen choke suddenly?" He asked amusement dancing in his tone with a hint of curiosity. I just pointed my finger towards the curtain unable to form words while my cheeks heated up.

"Bad manners, baby! You shouldn't interfere with their privacy," Abhinav replied after taking a glance at them, his voice stoic but holding a teasing tone that made me turn red in embarrassment. 

"I don't mind giving you a few, if you want to," he added further making my head snap at him, shocked. He just chuckled at me in reply, pulling me closer, and placed a warm kiss on my forehead letting his lips stay there for a few more seconds.

"We are going to implement our plan in a while, be safe princess. I will meet you once we are done," He instructed his tone filled with seriousness and worry. 

"I will, and I want my husband safe and sound by midnight," I said imitating the tone he used making him chuckle.

"What are you planning, Ishu?" He asked, his tone teasing, with a mixture of amusement while his eyes held a happy glint.

"That's for me to know and you to find out, husband." I husked in his ear pulling him closer by collar, and kissed his earlobe before stepping away.

"I hope you know what are you playing with, My Queen," he replied in the same tone tracing my bare waist with his long fingers making me shudder in anticipation. I had to bite on my lower lip to stop myself from giving unwanted reactions that might attract people's attention.

"I do, My King," I replied holding his hand that was resting on the curve of my waist lazily playing with my thin waistband. He pulled me closer by hooking his fingers in the waistband and I landed on him, my hands reached his chest in a reflex while our noses touched.

"Good, tonight is going to be a special one," saying so, he kissed the corner of my lips and left from there kissing my forehead and gesturing for Abir and Abhishek to take care of all of us as already planned. 

Abhishek asked the guards to tighten the security while Abir led me, Abhigya, Priya, elders, and Prisha bhabi to an armed room. He punched the code and the doors opened revealing different types of weapons. He, Ishaan bhai, and Nihal bhai along with Khanna, Dharam, and a few more guards stayed with us while the others went with Nav and Abhishek.

As we sat there praying for them to succeed in whatever they planned, a loud bang was heard on the door followed by a warning.

"I know you are in Data Hukum, if you don't come out now, we are going to kill these innocent kids whom we kidnapped from the villages dependent on you, " and a few cries of children followed the warning creating a panic situation inside.

"I know you are in Data Hukum, if you don't come out now, we are going to kill these innocent kids whom we kidnapped from the villages dependent on you, " and a few cries of children followed the warning creating a panic situation inside

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