14. Ice cream date

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I woke up from my nap and saw my princess sleeping peacefully. I didn't want to disturb her so I went to study to complete some of my office work.

When I looked at the clock it was almost dinner time and I went to have dinner. Everyone is already there and is waiting for me to join.

I went and sat beside my princess. It's not my usual place but from now on, it is.

We had our dinner and everyone left for their rooms.

"Get ready princess, we will leave in 15 min. " I said to her before going back to the study room to collect my mobile.

I can see the sparkles in her eyes.

She nodded and ran to our room.

When I went to our room she was already ready and was sitting on our bed.

When I went to our room she was already ready and was sitting on our bed

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"Are you ready?" I asked her.

She nodded a yes and we walked out together.

We went to our garage and I took out a bike this time.

She is surprised but happy.

"Come let's go!" I said and she hopped on.

"So no security? " She asked with a hint of happiness in her voice.

"I can protect my wife so why do we need them?" I replied and she held my shirt for support.

I pulled her one hand and placed it on my stomach and she immediately hugged me from behind and held me tight. 

We went to an ice cream parlor and ordered her favorite ice cream. 

"Don't you want one?" She asked looking at me.

"I don't eat much. I can just have a few bites of yours." I replied as normally as I could.

I noticed her blushing and averting her gaze.

She looks even more beautiful when she's blushing.

She is sitting on our bike with ice cream in her hands and I am standing on the side.

"Abhinav, can I ask you something?" She asked in between.

"Yes, princess!" I replied.

"Why all this suddenly?" She asked making me confused.

"Don't you like this princess?" I asked getting tensed.

"No! I like it. I just wanted to know the reason." She replied.

"I've always liked you but I didn't show my emotions. When you started ignoring me I realized how important you are so I decided not to hide my emotions from now. I am not scared of getting attached to you anymore." I replied sincerely.

"Why were you scared of getting attached to me?" she asked turning complete attention to me.

"It's... it's just that I fear losing people. So, I try not to get too attached to them. But I can't stay away from you. So, there is no point in being distant." I replied hoping she understands me.

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