AU- You're A Remnant of Despair (All V3 Characters)

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Set-Up: AU- In an alternate universe, you were a member of Ultimate Despair that was captured and put through the Neo World Program to be rehabilitated before being reintroduced to society. What atrocities did you commit during The Tragedy, how did you react to learning the truth, and how did you reconnect with your partner after you were broken out of your brainwashing?

Important note: This follows most of the canon of the actual DR universe, but for the characters that actually die in the game, they'll be alive in their own scenario. The canon survivors will always be alive since their survival is guaranteed.

Important note two: It's kinda ambiguous as to how V3 fits into the rest of the DR timeline, so in this scenario, you and your partner were dating during their pregame days, and got separated after The Tragedy began. You both ended up being members of Ultimate Despair, but got split up with you being put in the Neo World Program, and them being put into a killing game with false memories run by the remaining members of Ultimate Despair that couldn't be reformed. You meet them again after the Future Foundation rescues them following the end of the Killing School Semester.

Also, hopefully you like the mini pregame headcanons.

MASSIVE CONTENT WARNING!- This scenario contains many dark topics and themes including graphic violence, death, blood, gore, terrorism, torture, familicide, suicide, mind control, and many more. I'm not gonna leave individual warnings this time because there's just so many, so reader discretion is strongly advised.

Up next: A couple new characters (I really fucked myself by letting you guys request new people, didn't I? Lol).

Comment here with any requests!


Shuichi Saihara

As the Ultimate Thief, you did exactly what everyone expected- stole anything and everything you could, ranging from food and water to dole out to the other members of Ultimate Despair, supplies and weapons to help rack up the body count, and sometimes you stole a few people's lives when they got in your way.

You began stealing to get money to support your impoverished family. You never wanted to become a hardened, cold-hearted criminal, but Junko apparently had other priorities, and twisted you to suit her perverse plans. The reality of what happened was.... hard to swallow to say the least, and the fact that most of your family was dead only made it worse (only your older brother remained), but you somehow found the strength to push forward. For a while, you dedicated your time to figuring out where your boyfriend went after you were separated, but you didn't have to search long, because a few weeks after you awoke from the Neo World Program, the Future Foundation rescued a few more Remnants after being released from an underground killing game- and Shuichi was amongst them.

To say Shuichi was left traumatized by the Killing School Semester would be an understatement. The mental scars it left are going to haunt him forever, and he knows that he'll never truly get over what he experienced. Despite this though, he knows he has to push on and move forward for his own sake- and for yours now that the two of you have been reunited. He didn't remember you at all because of the memory wipe he went under, but you remembered him, and he decided to at least meet you so he could see what you were like.

The meeting between you and Shuichi was.... awkward to say the least. You were so happy that he was alive, but he was confused about who you were and what he was like before his memories were erased, and you had to explain to him that he wasn't all that different than he is now- shy and quiet, but back then he was kind of obsessed with despair. Of course, you were too because of Junko's brainwashing, so you didn't judge past him for it. The two of you swapped dark stories of your time apart, and it ended up bringing you two together. Shuichi wanted to try going out with you again, but you'd have to start over on Jabberwock Island before he could even think about going back to the mainland together. You were more than happy to acquiesce, hopeful that a fresh start could be exactly what the two of you needed.

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