Operation 'Strix' <Owl> (1) (Part 1)

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This Is The First Chapter Of The LMK As The Spy X Family Au Version

So I don't know how to describe everything from the original series but I'll just try

And also it will kinda have some a lot of difference from the original one if you guys were confused but don't worry it also sometimes has similarities

Let's go!







" how much longer to the embassy? " they were were inside of the car driving " hhmmm about 20 minutes. I guess " one of the men said , the other try to used the brakes but didn't? Is it broken? " Huh? the Brakes Didn't Seem to work! " the driver said

The one from the behind notice something from the window " Hey! you! Watch The road!! " The person warned but the driver didn't pay attention to it they fall into the ground and " Boom! " the two men died from the explosion

" One of our country's diplomats, was killed by the accident in ostania " the authorities believed that it was an Assassination by the far-right party in the East , they are planning a war against westalis

" we must found out what they are even planning to do " the person said, the other put his hand on his chin " let's leave it to him, the one of our most skilled agents "

" Shadow "






" here are the photos as you've promised " the men looked at the photos that the person given to him " The proof that the minister of foreign affairs wears a wig " the men put the photos back to the file " here are the negatives " the person throw the negatives at the other and catch it

" Good work. This will force him to resign, I'll be counting on you again " the men waved , he went inside of the car then drive to leave the place

The person turned, he saw someone that is the real one " Hey, I'll have you hand over the items as promise " the real one said putting his hand out " but.... Just now..! " the person realize he just give the photos to the fake one " I've Been Fooled!! "


The codename is shadow the driver took of the mask and revealed his true self , his the most skilled spy

When the countries worldwide were battling a discrete yet fierce information of war, this Monkie survived on the battlefield by using 100 of forms


" and Dad's Taking it Out on me that the pictures of him in his wig were stolen, I just don't get it! He just pissed me off. " the women look at the person in front of her But it was secretly macaque just disguising " are you even listening, robert? "

" oh, how unfortunate " macaque said eating his meal , the women turned and saw a guy proposed to a lady " hey, robert. What do you say we.... " before the women can finished macaque cut her off " Karen, let's break up. " macaque said that made the woman shocked

Karen turned to macaque " What!? " Karen said in shocked , macaque wipe his mouth with some tissue " there's no intelligence in your stories " macaque said " huh? " Karen went confused " well then, I hope you find your own happiness " macaque said before leaving the restaurant " wait, robert! That came out of nowhere! Robert! " macaque ignored what Karen said and leave her behind

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