Prepare For Accessment (6) (part 2)

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[ Previously On.... ]

" Fine fine! I'll behave! " mk crossed his arms " Yehey! " spindrax fall into the floor for fun, so did mk they all laugh just for fun


" it seems those spares should be ready in time for the interview, too. " macaque said

" I'm so sorry to make you buy so much! " wukong said " it seemed a shame since you'd look good in those colors, too. You can wear them when we go on more outings in future. " macaque said

" out rang! Out rang! " mk shouted for fun " you're a regular there, aren't you? We'll no doubt be going again. The next time we're there, we ought to tell the proprietress about the marriage. " macaque said

" oh, right, yes! " wukong said


The monkie family were at the photo shop ( I really forgot and Don't know what those words they were again all the time )

The photographer were just taking a family photo of them and done!


[ Time skip ⏸️  ]


The monkie family were at the top park and looking at the bottom where the city is

" The People Look Like Garbage! " macaque and wukong turned on mk "
where'd you learn that? " macaque asked " Anime! " mk said while raising
His hands up high and he almost fall but good thing macaque catch him

" I never even knew they had a park here on the outskirts of town. " macaque said " I only come here every once in a while, myself. But I do find my self stopping by when I'm tired from work. It reminds me that what I do helps the people who live here, and then I feel like I can get back to it. " wukong said while staring at city

Wukong turned on mk " Oh! I'm sure you must be bored. I'm terribly sorry! " wukong apologize thinking it's so boring because y'know kids hate boring stuffs and likes the fun more

" I like it more than if there are too many people. " mk said smiling " oh, thank goodness! " wukong sigh being relieved

Macaque was just staring at the city feeling relax and also noticed there's a thief stealing the old woman's bag then ran away

" Thief! Somebody help! " the old lady said being knocked over " she should've been more careful... " macaque said in his thoughts

Wukong immediately jumped off the cliff and chased off the thief while mk and macaque were gasped in shocked what wukong just did

" unforgivable! Stop, I say! " wukong said while chasing the thief and his far away from his family

" Ah- there's nothing for it, then! " macaque said in his thoughts also leave with mk


Wukong was lost in the middle of the buildings trying to find the thief

" just like that, I've lost him. " wukong said in his thoughts and go back just to meet up with the old lady

" are you alright, ma'am?! Are you hurt!? " wukong said while helping the old lady standing up

" oh, I'm okay, just a scratch. " the old woman said " I'll be sure to catch him, then take you to the hospital, ma'am! " wukong said

" oh my, thank you. " the old lady thanked wukong, wukong look at the top park and didn't see macaque and mk there

" ah, I left mr. Macaque and mk back there. " wukong said

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