Operation 'Strix' <Owl> (2) (Part 2)

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[ Previously On.... ]

Before Macaque could leave tang stopped him " Hey! My fee! " tang shouted but macaque still leave " geez... Well, I for one really don't know what goes on inside a spy's head " tang said







[ Meanwhile With Mk ]

Mk was in the living romm, laying down on the couch " Boring! " mk looked at some poster he just buyed yesterday " Being A spy isn't what I thought. I want to get a bomb back. " mk sigh feeling bored in his boring life


[ Flashback ]

" I can't just have the kid playing with my spy gadgets, so I'll just keep them locked up, " macaque said in his thoughts while cleaning dishes

" the combination is six, one... " macaque said in his thoughts about the password " .....one, zero, " mk said trying to memorized the passwords


[ End of Flashback ]

" Bomb! Bomb! " mk trying to find some cool spy gadgets and throwing stuffs the one that are so boring to him

Mk saw a briefcase and started to opened it " Bomb! Bomb! " mk saw the inside of the briefcase it's like it has headphones and also looked like a radio computer or something like that to contact the agency?

" secret comms! " Mk started to click and tapping on the inside of the briefcase " Secret! Secret! " mk was so excited his just a kid so yknow


" Boss! new Communication has been intercepted! " the men said " is it a code from the west? " the other asked oh no probably mk accidentally or did call the agency his really in trouble later

" no just plain text " the men said " um... Shadow is coming... " " Shadow? These are the frequencies used by the West organization. Oh again! This way ogre... " the radio isn't speaking probably mk is just clicking and tapping some stuff on the briefcase

" hurry up and find the source! " the other yelled


Mk closed the briefcase and wipe his head with his hand " phew " he looked behind and shocked! He saw the room is messy from the behind! Of course he throw the stuff early from the behind

Mk started to overthink or imagine what will happen if macaque sees this?

" now that you know I'm a spy. I'll have you desapear! " Mk started to panic what if macaque leave mk and he has no parent anymore and be lonely

Mk started to put all the stuffs back where it all belong and make everything normal in own places

" I'll have to leave once he finds out. mk is a telapath " mk said in his thoughts feeling regret what he just did

" Anya. Don't tell anyone about your abilities. " mk look behind and started to have a flash back


[ Flash back ]

" it's time to study mk " the scientist said " mk wants to draw.... " mk said " you don't have to do such childish things. We need to used your power for the world peace. " the scientist noticed mk started to cry

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