announcement ( 12 )

490 17 3

Kon'nishiwa ladies and gentlemen's, and everyone!!

I just wanna say something, that....

Y'know on original series of " spy x family " well... I'm gonna skip a few episodes, like... I'm gonna skip the chapter, that mk is already on the school, for 1 week, he already met mei, red son, and others, blah blah blah

Since I lost motivation to write everything from the original series, and I'm lazy to write it all, since I did have busy troubles these days

I didn't actually watch the original series, but I did watch it, just to copy it for the book, plus I do saw some spoilers about SXF series

Well since Anya's best friend is becky, I think? And she's in-love with loid. and mei has Becky's role in this story, well good news, in this story mei might have Becky's role here, but she's not going to have feelings for macaque, but they'll have a father-daughter like relationship, since some people thought about it, seen it a lot on edits, photos and stuff these days

Since I've made this book, long time ago before season 4, well just pretend Azure was here the whole time in this book, plus his going to have Yor's brother, yuri role. In this book, he'll be the adopted brother of wukong

I was thinking if I could write the chapter's in different stories, like I'm not going to copy some reference, or ideas from the original anymore, but I think I'm gonna copy the original sometimes or sooner or not, and stuff

And anyways....

I am sorry for not publishing the story here, I am really sorry, I am very sorry, very very very much, I'm so sorry for a trillion times sorry, like very very very very very very very endless times sorry, like so very much of an apologise, I'm extremely sorry, and endlessly apologise

I'm gonna publish the story, soon and sooner, and sorry once again

Anyways, sayonara, have a good and greatest days in your lives!

And also, sorry

Before the chapter ends, I wanna say sorry, like very much

Okeh, sayonara!

And sorry once again

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