Spend Time And Hang Out (14) (part 2)

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☆・☽ A/N:

As a daily reminder, tang and pigsy aren't so-called 'together' in this au. This au is where Tang is single and has a crush on the chef, while Pigsy hasn't noticed him yet.

Plus they're not friends yet, since Tang didn't try to talk to Pigsy. Which- gives Marinette and Adrian (from miraculous, tales of ladybug & cat noir) kinda vibes in this au.


[ Previously On.... ]

Spindrax quickly paused as she heard her name being called. She slowly looked behind and saw that MK had already caught her planning to leave. ' darn it, ' Spindrax immediately started to run away without hesitation







Mk said to Spindrax, who was tied up with tape, " You know you can't escape again, right? " however, spindrax attempted to struggle to escape but ended up falling to the ground. Fortunately, MK helped spindrax to stand up again.

"This is stupid! Why can't you forget me? " asked, spindrax. As she pouted in disappointment, with her cartoonist tears fell from her cheeks.

"Because I have to accomplish my 'Spindragon' mission! " said, mk. Crossing his arms proudly, with cartoonist sparkles surrounding him. Spindrax blinked twice, in straight expression and said "What? "


Both the spider and the monkey kids were outside of the noodle shop. While Mei is with Mr. Tang inside the restaurant, but instead of ordering something, tang tries to stay away. " Never mind! Let's go somewhere else! " said, tang. " huh-? " Mei looked confused, as she looked up to the adult, who looked nervous and... Blushing? 'Is he sick?' Mei wondered in her thoughts.

"Mr Tang, I don't care if you are sick, just order something! We're hungry! " the dragon kid then pushed Tang towards the counter, before she went outside leaving Tang alone.

As Mei got out of the restaurant, she saw Spindrax awake which lightened up her mood "Ahh, you finally awake, spindrax! " she said with a smile on her face before Spindrax went silent and fell while blushing in red.

" Eh!? What happened- did I just kill her!? " Mei said worriedly, as she walked closer to Spindrax, waving her hand up and down in front of the spider kid. But sadly, spindrax is still on the floor, somewhat dead.

" don't worry, she's alive. Just dead. " MK pointed at Spindrax, as he said that. Before Mei looked at him, confused. " huh? What do you mean? " she asked, then Mk shrugged his shoulders without saying anything.

" let's just drag Spindrax inside. " MK suggested, as Mei gave mk thumbs up and said " okie! " the best friend duo then tried to carry Spindrax, but didn't work. So they decided to drag spindrax inside by holding the spider kid's arms







After they put Spindrax down on the empty table, MK and Mei decided to wait for Tang to bring the food already, but sadly...

It is almost a half hour already.

" Where's Mr. Tang!? Why did he take so long? I'm hungry! " Mei complained, crossing her arms in annoyance.

Mk stayed silent, as he read someone's mind, and he turned his head towards the plant, where Mr Tang was hiding 'Nobody will find me here, I'm safe'

Mk stood up from his seat and walked towards the plant before he stopped and pointed at the plant. "Mr Tang is here. " the monkey kid said, before Mei quickly went towards where Tang was hiding, and punched him, twice.

" Ow! What was that for? " asked, tang. " ohh, your asking? You took so long, and we haven't eaten yet! " Mei answered, in her loud tone. Before grabbing Tang's wrist, and pulled him towards the counter again, but this time. Mei is with him, glaring.







The kids finally eat after that, but Tang was scolded that night by Macaque after the three kids told what Tang did.


☆・☽ A/N :

I ran out of ideas, that's why the chapter is short. Sorry- since I haven't published anything that much, and yet the chapter is short and quick- ahem-

Anyway- since some of ya guys did watch the original, which is the "Spy x Family" anime series, I need help.


'Cause in the original, Anya has a pet dog which is "Bond", and yet I have no idea what to get for MK-


Also, need some more and more ideas, 'cause I'm running out. Luckily my motivation was back because of the comments, but still had no ideas left.

Anyways- see ya- soon- ahem-

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