prestigious private school assessment interview (8) (part 1)

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[ Previously On.... ]

Macaque breathe in and breathe out " well, if we looked that way. " macaque said in his thoughts and grabbed the hot cocoa " then maybe we've at least managed to do about one percent of our prep. " macaque said in his thoughts While drinking his hot cocoa






" Alright, it's time for battle! Equipment check! " macaque said

Wukong checked his bag " All okay. "

" fashion check! " macaque said

Wukong fixed his hair also his clothes, and also fixed mk necktie and also fixed everything " all okay. " wukong replied

" Final speech check. " macaque said

Mk straight up like a soldier would do " I'm good. I'll do my best. " mk said

" I've got nothing but doubt... Still, we've done all we could. " macaque opened the door

" onward..... To eden college, and the admission interview! "


The monkie family has finally arrived at the eden college

Wukong was stunned as shocked the school looks... Huge! " it's huge! " wukong said in surprise tone

" well, it is one of the top schools, in the country, after all. So many candidates, too.... and every one of them a rival. " macaque turned on mk

" mk, " mk turned on macaque " can you handle the crowd? " macaque said, he knows mk doesn't like the crowd because he feels sick when his in the middle of the crowd

" I'm good! " mk doing the thumbs up and smiled " then, let's go. " macaque said

" I can sense it... No doubt about it. It's a very familiar feeling. We're being watched! Don't tell me... There's an enemy, lurking in the crowd!? " macaque said in his thoughts while him and his monkie family were walking in the middle of the crowd

Mk read macaque thoughts and immediately turned on him " enemy!? " mk said in his thoughts

" I feel eyes on me... " wukong said feeling nervous he thinks the other people are looking at him

" no, that's not it. It seems we're not the only ones being watched. Prying eyes. Quite unpleasant. " macaque said in his thoughts, he looked at connecting corridor

" there! Four in the connecting corrider. Four in the bell tower, and more in the buildings on both sides! I've pretty much memorized the list of everyone affiliated with the school. They're....the school faculty! They must be observing our every move. Grading us to determine if we're worthy candidates. In other words, the Assessment's already underway! " macaque said in his thoughts

" look sharp, you two. There are examiners watching us. " macaque warned the two

" huh? " wukong said being dumbfounded " just follow the training. " macaque said

" Mk!! " Mk heard a voice from behind and saw spindrax with her family and she is just waving

" Spindrax, Your here! " mk said, spindrax walking towards mk " I told ya we're the same school! " spindrax said being proud

" ohh I thought you were lying. " mk said teasingly but he did believe spindrax but he pretend he didn't

" ohh by the way! This is my brothers! " spindrax pointed at her brothers

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