prestigious private school assessment interview (9) (part 2)

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[ Previously On.... ]

" but- I swear! I saw spindrax here, I was talking to her! " mk said but macaque doesn't believe him, but wukong did







The monkie family were finally inside and the interview is still going, the monkie family makes it safely through to the interview proper.

Macaque keeps seeing and noticing the other families just failed the interview and thinking they will failed too

" in my many years as a spy, this is the first time....I've felt nervous! Even that time I infiltrated a terrorist organization. Or that time I stopped the launch of a massive missile, with one second to spare, I never felt this tense! My success rest on shoulders of another, it's terrifying! " macaque said in his thoughts

Mk was just looking at macaque and reading his mind " next, Mister Monkie " the men said at the door open

" Yes! " the monkie parents said " 'kay! " mk said at the same time, they both stand up and walk towards the room

" no doubt about it. " macaque said in his thoughts while walking inside


The interviewers saw the monkie family coming inside of the room " please, take a sit. " one of the interviewers said " this is the Make-Or-Break moment. For operation strix! " macaque said in his thoughts

" excuse me. There you are, monkie! This is war of information, and the monkie family wilk prevail! "


" now, first of all, allow me to begin by putting a few the parents. "

" Housemaster to " malcolm hall, " the fifth dormitory. Mild-mannered, hardworking, conservative. Also well-liked by the student body. It shouldn't be hard to score points if we just give sincere, common sense answers. " Macaque said in his thoughts

" I hear this is not your first marriage. What was the relationship between the two of you, prior? " the housemaster asked

" they're really delving deep, right off the bat. I suppose it's because they prioritize family pedigree... "" macaque said in his thoughts

" I met my husband at a local tailors, which also happens to handle your school uniforms. I was drawn to the graceful way in which he carried himself. After my First Wife passed away, I became cautious in love, out of concern for my son. However, we grew closer, over the course of many conversations, " macaque said while having flashbacks in his mind of the old memories of him and wukong in the past few days

" he is a kind and caring person, who always puts family first. I felt he would get on well with my son, too. " macaque said the final words then his finished, wukong blushed the whole thing when he heard macaque's speech

One of the housemaster turned on wukong " and what about you, madam? " housemaster mistaken that wukong is a girl

" w-what- b-but- I'm a boy. " wukong said having cartoonist sweat drop on his head " Oh! I'm sorry, I thought you were a girl! " the house master immediately apologize to wukong

" It's normal, I almost think baba is a girl in the first place " mk said in his thoughts and sigh

" it's alright, may I continue? " wukong asked and one of the housemasters nodded

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