Spending The Night (10) (Part 1)

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" can we go home now? " mk asked " sure, let's go home, I don't like this school anyways. " macaque said, macaque carried mk then they both leave the school







The Monkie Family are sitting at the living room just feeling upset for what just happened

" We Flopped... For Sure. " Macaque Said in his thoughts being dumbfounded " I-I'll go make us tea. " wukong said and go to the kitchen

" I've failed as a spy, yet again. I got my own feelings mixed up in the mission. " macaque said in his thought

" Papa, I'm sorry... I didn't do good on the test. I'm sorry... " mk said feeling upset

Macaque stared at mk looking shocked, macaque sigh " don't worry, mk. You've got nothing to be sorry for. You don't want to go to that place anyway, right? " macaque said to sad mk

Mk walked towards macaque and hug him " I want to go to that school. " mk said " huh? " macaque is being curious, why did mk still want to go to the school after all what just happened?

" If " mission " fails... If I don't go to that school.....then there's no more together. " mk said, macaque was shocked that mk knows about the mission but he just let it go " Mk... "

Wukong was making some tea on the kitchen " if we don't pass, then of course, this will all be over... No, it's just.....I'm worried about how that might affect my work, that's all. " wukong said

Wukong put the tea on the tray and bring it to the living room and place it on the table

" still, honestly, we don't have a hope in h*ll of passing... " Wukong and mk immediately jolted in a surprise of shocked about macaque just said

" I-I'm sure it'll be okay! It'll work out! " Wukong said " glasses guy and half glasses guy were both nice! " mk said talking about the two other housemasters but except the one asking a bad rude horrible question that made mk sad

" yes, that's right! They'll back us up! Let's try to keep faith! " wukong said, macaque sigh

" a spy must keep faith in nothing but himself. He must always be prepared for the worst case scenario... " macaque said and started to have flashbacks

" I want to be together forever... " macaque remembered what mk said early at the interview

" however, just this once... " macaque said in his thoughts, he look up to wukong and mk " well, we'll have to wait and see. We worked hard, so let's just celebrate that. " macaque said

Mk and wukong started gasped in smile of happiness " just for now, just a little... "

The monkie family grabbed they're tea and do the cheers " to this families bright future! " macaque said

Everyone in the room heard a photo fell down into the ground, a picture of them in the family picture

They turned to the photo that fell down " something flop down! " mk said

They put the tea down to the table and walk towards the photo " The family photo fell... " wukong said " we flopped... " macaque added

The photo isn't destroyed when it fell down, because when the photo fell into ground even nobody is touching it and it's destroyed means bad luck, like something bad happens

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