Secure The Spouse Role (4) (Part 2)

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[ Previously On.... ]

" this Saturday!? " macaque said in shocked in his thoughts







Macaque were at the top of the boat with tang, they both wear black suits ( like criminal's black suit ) so they can't be seen in the dark

" So you see. If I want to make it to the party on time, this needs to be quick. Help me " macaque doesn't usually asked or need some help from anybody but he needs someone's help so this could be quick

" wait what!? I'm just an information broker. I'm garbage at combat! Also, you've got some nerve after the tab you've racked up- " macaque immediately cut of tang " 78 precious artifacts. With a combined net worth of around 3 million dalc..... I'm sure no one would notice if one or two were to go missing.... " macaque put on his black mask

" I've got your back. Man! " tang said proudly immediately forget what just happened early " as it happens, I've cooked up some new spy gadgets for such an occasion. " tang holding a bag of spy gadgets

" he sure comes in handy. " macaque said in his thoughts


Wukong was outside on the streets, he looked at his watch on his hand

" oh, what's keeping you so long mr. Macaque? " wukong looking for macaque at the streets his still expecting he will come

" I do hope he hasn't gotten caught up in some kind of accident... " wukong feeling worried and upset


" Boom! " explosions at the side of the place it's only at the inside

Tang got the cart of the precious artifacts and finally got outside already escape while macaque was behind him just taking some shoots at the men's

" you didn't say we were going up against a whole damn mob! " tang yelled at macaque being so furious while macaque is completely calm

" Two, Four, six...... 38 men. I can't even spare 10 seconds per goon! " macaque said in his thoughts while shooting at the men, beating them up and all some of the men's were back down in defeat

" reinforcements!? I don't have time for this! " macaque said in his thoughts " I've loaded up the goods! Get on! " tang said already closed the back of the van

Macaque and tang immediately got in the van and drive away to get away from them

Tang opened the box and saw the precious artifacts " Woo! Alright, time to pick my prize!

While macaque was driving he saw tang opened the box he also noticed the ring so he grabbed the ring from the box " well, I'll be taking this one. " macaque smiled at the ring then go back from driving

" Huh!? The diamond!? Not fair, man! That looks pretty pricey! " tang shouted " I need it for my disguise. " macaque said

" shut up! Give it back! " tang grabbed macaque hand just to get the ring because of that. They're almost died from the accident but they didn't died

The car from the front of them started shooting at them


Wukong was still outside waiting for macaque and it's pretty much bit cold outside

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