Spending The Night (11) (Part 2)

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[ Previously On.... ]

Wukong closed the door, mk and spindrax lay down on they're beds and mattress and covered themselves with blanket and go to sleep







it's 3:02 am in the morning, mk and spindrax slowly woke up and wipe they're eyes, they turned each other and saw each other awake

" Your awake!? " they both said surprise " I can't sleep, I just woke up. " mk said " same " spindrax added

" Want to eat something? I'm starving. " spindrax said " Yea, wait- you can cook!? " mk said in shocked

" yea, mama and mom taught me how to cook, plus my brothers! " spindrax said

" but we have to be super careful, like so sneaky quiet, I'll do the cook and you stay at room, just in case, I'm good at sneaking I was taught my my parents. " spindrax said

" sure, I'll look out! " mk said having sparkles on his head, spindrax immediately go outside, using her speed abilities secretly and being careful


Wukong and macaque was just sleeping in they're rooms peacefully, and they're both in seperated rooms

Wukong smell a smoke from the kitchen, he slowly woke up, he wipe his eyes and stood up from his bed

Wukong opened the door and he went to the kitchen, he look at the kitchen there's nothing there, and there's no smoke or fire on the stove, wukong shrugged and go back to his room just to sleep again

Spindrax was just hiding at the top counters ( She's a kid, and small, so she can fit inside of the small top counters )

Spindrax heard some footsteps faded, she got out of the counter and go back from cooking again

Spindrax is finally done cooking, she immediately run towards mk's room and holding a fried chicken, noodles, pancakes and also with ice cream

" how did you cook 5 fried chicken's, 6 noodles and 3 pancakes, and where did you even get an ice cream!? " mk was just surprised with a shock on his face

" you can read minds, I have an ability of speed, now. let's go eat! " spindrax said, mk and spindrax started to eat some food

Spindrax realize something, she get the clay from her bag, and put the clay every edge on the door hole

" what are you doing? " mk asked while eating " just putting clays on the door, so none of your parents won't smell any food, so we can't get caught. " spindrax explained

" wow! That's genius! " mk said " learn it from my mama, also I keep looking and spying on my eldest brother what he was doing with his stupid science stuff. " spindrax said

" wait.. Aren't clays were going to turned hard like rgets, after hours and minutes? " mk said in curious

" ohh, I steal some clays from my mama and my eldest brother, those kinds of clays never get turned into a stone. " spindrax said

" you steal your families stuff- " " Shhh! It's a secret, pretend I never told ya anything. " spindrax cut off mk sentence

" uhhhhhhhh, sure. " mk said, then eats


Macaque heard something on mk's room, he woke up and stood up from his bed, he secretly sneak towards to mk's room, he put his ear on the door

" I'm full. " mk said already eat the three bowls of noodles " Nah, I'm not. " spindrax said, not being full

Macaque immediately opened the door, spindrax and mk turned to the door and saw macaque, the kids gasped in shocked of surprises

" You two are still awake? " macaque asked, and also he saw plates on the ground

" Papa! Sorry! I was just hungry, and I couldn't sleep!! " mk said " it's alright, I'm not that mad, if you two are hungry, you should've have told me, anyways if you two are done eating, clean the dishes and go to sleep, okay? Night. " macaque said and closed the door

Spindrax and mk just went silenced, they're too stunned to speak, they're too speechless for what happened


Spindrax and mk was finally done eating, they're bored and aren't tired yet, so they'll watch something on spindrax laptop

" you have a laptop!? " mk said in surprise " well yea, duh, my mama give this to on my birthday, so did my brothers, so we're all equal and don't get jealous at each other " spindrax said

Spindrax turned on the laptop, and opened the password " Password. hates syntax the annoying bitch asshole " spindrax said in her thoughts, also she kinda forget mk can read minds

" did you just- " " yup, I fucking cursed on my thoughts, now pretend you didn't heard anything, for your own safety " spindrax said in her thoughts, so mk will read it

" so, what do you want to watch? " spindrax asked, mk hummed just thinking " ohh! TMNT!! Teenage mutant ninja turtles!! " mk said

" good ide-! " spindrax was cut off her sentence, when wukong immediately barge inside of the door, the kids are silenced once again " sleep, now. " wukong said, doing the death stare on them, the kids feels scared, they immediately got on they're bed/mattress and immediately lay down to sleep

Wukong closed the door and go back to his room just to sleep


The End. Next Chapter.

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