Chapter twenty-five (Newt)

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This chapter leads up to another plot twist next chapter and is pretty action packed. We also get to see Newt being the badass that he is! Hope you enjoy it;)

I love hearing from my readers, so please let me know what you think!

Chapter 26 will be posted Sunday March 5th!

Sending Minho and Tommy out into the maze gave me shucking anxiety. I did not want anyone going out there, let alone my best friends. But they were insistent and I knew full well that they'd have gone with or without my consent. With everything that's been going on; Ben getting stung, the box not going back down, and then Alby- It was too much. I could barely hold myself together, let alone the entire Glade.

Everything was falling apart and there was no way for me to stitch things back together. People were dying and tensions were high. The boys were afraid and so was I.

And (Y/N)... was a topic debilitating all its own.

I can't think about that right now, I chastised myself, there are more pressing matters at hand. It was getting late and they weren't back yet.

"Where's (Y/N)?" I asked Fry. She was supposed to be working with him today, yet I couldn't find her anywhere. It was cowardly of me to avoid interacting with her while simultaneously keeping tabs on her, but knowing (Y/N)'s whereabouts helped soothe some of my worries.

Alby decided to give her the jobs she'd had her first time here except for being a substitute runner. She hadn't protested or questioned his reasoning like she would've before. He made sure (Y/N) stayed in the Glade and kept an eye on her. Whenever she worked as a builder, Gally never let her out of his sight. He was always with her, but I tried not to think about that either.

Fry gave me an odd look and paused mashing potatoes. "She said Gally needed her."


"She told me he asked for her help so I gave her the rest of the day off to assist the builders."

"How long since you've last seen her?"

His unease showed clearly on his face. Fry was one of her closest friends and I know he felt the same level of unease I did. He untied his apron and followed me outside. "Maybe she's in the Deadheads or organizing one of the sheds."

"I'm tellin', ya, I searched everywhere. There's no sign of-" A viscous roar followed by a litany of screams caused the words to die on my tongue.

The scene that played out before me was one of my worst nightmares. A monster - griever, my mind supplied - stampeding into the Glade. Closing in on my friends who were supporting an unsteady (Y/N) between them. Unless someone intervened, they would be killed.

My friends are not dying today.

"Everyone, stay back," I ordered, taking off toward my friends. I grabbed a stray knife someone dropped in their haste to flee and took comfort in the weight of the machete strapped to my back. My primary goal was to keep the griever as far away from the village as possible.

Minho and Tommy moved as quickly as they could with (Y/N) in between them. I wanted nothing more than to scoop her up and get her the Hell away from there, but shoved that desire aside. "Go! All of you need to get inside."

Despite the pain she was in, (Y/N) still managed to sound angry. Her words slurred as her awareness dwindled. "Wh't. N' way.."

Minho snapped, "We're not leaving you!"

"Yeah! We can help."

Pushing them towards the village, I said, "If you wanna help, get yourselves someplace safe." Not waiting for a reply I faced my adversary.

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