𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 2

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Nyra walked out of her hotel room with her phone in between her cheek and shoulder. All she could hear was her husband complaining about his brother and how much he missed her. Occasionally she would agree about what he was saying. She passed through the hotel lobby, still listening to his dulcet tone as he spoke. She often regrets not telling him that she killed people for a living.

When she got the station she causally told him that she was getting a phone call from her brother, just so she could call her boss about the locker she was going to. As soon as he hung up she dialled her handlers number into her phone as she made her way onto the platform to find a locker with her gear.

"Good morning." His Warwickshire accent came through as he spoke down the phone as he took a swig of his tea. "Morning to you too, Eric." She hums as she walks past civilians. "I'm looking for the locker I have the keys. Not sure on the number though." She tells him.

"Number twenty-three." He coolly said. Nyra skimmed past numbers to find it and when she did find it she took the keys out of her pocket and unlocked it. For a moment she just stares at the contents of the locker. "Can I ask a question?" Eric asked her.

"You already did." She mocks him.

"You know what I fucking mean." He stated.

"Yeah, go on then."

"Why did you ask for a camera?" He quizzed her.

"I have my reasons." She defended.

"So, inside you should have an earpiece, a camera for your reasons, a Chinese ring dagger, a packet of cigarettes with a lighter, some bandages and a revolver fully loaded with some spare bullets." He told her as she jammed the contents of the locker into a small backpack and closed it.

"And my train is from this station?" She asked him and she started to walk off the platform back into the main part of the station. "Yes, you twat. Where did you think it's from? Fucking France?" He spat as she dodged the hundreds of people in the station. "Well, I wanted to make sure. And don't call me a twat you fucking cunt." She spat back. He scoffs and hangs up.

She quickly walks through the station. When she walks out the door onto the crowded streets of Tokyo, it starts raining. "Just my fucking luck." She grimaces as she looks up at the sky in disgust. She dodges people on the street as she races back to the hotel. When she gets to the hotel she runs towards her room. She walks up to her door, struggling to find her keys. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." She mumbles under her breath. When she finds her keys, she unlocks the door and closes it behind her. She throws her backpack on the floor with a loud thud. She goes over to her suitcase and unzips it. She pulls out a red dress.

She lays it down on the bed. Nyra pulls off her wet shirt and hangs it on a rack. Her hand reaches for the back pocket of her jeans and takes out her phone. She scrolled through it to find a certain song to play.

Stupid Cupid you're a real mean guy.

I'd like to clip your wings so you can't fly.

I'm in love and it's a crying shame

She continues to take the rest of her clothes off, leaving her in a bra, underwear, and a gun holster. Nyra picks up the dress and slips into it. Grabbing a pair of black heals from her case and puts them on. Taking out a dark red lipstick from her handbag, she applies it to her plump lips as she sways to the rhythm of the song. She picks up her backpack of the floor and tips its contents on the bed. She snatched her handbag.

She slid her revolver into her holster and her dagger in her purse. The rest all went into her purse also. She looked at the clock and realised that she only had fifteen minutes till her train. Picking up her keys she dashed out the door. She walked through the streets peacefully until she crashed into a man. He was on the phone and had a beige bucket hat. "I'm so sorry. Are you alright?" He apologised as Nyra steadied herself. "All good. No harm done." She stated with a smile and continued to walk to the station.

As she crosses the road, she hears her ringtone. She takes her phone out of her full handbag and answered it without looking at the number as she was to busy concentrating on her surroundings. "Hello?"

"You killed anyone yet?" The voice asked her.

"Well hello to you too, Tommy. How are you today this fine day? Im good thanks, how are you? I'm great." She spat at him sarcastically.

"Ha ha very funny." He mocks. "I just want to know if you've killed someone yet." He told her as she reached the platform.

"You expect so much of me little brother." She tells him. Nyra notices the man in the hat again as he opens a locker on the same platform. Her brother indistinctly speaks on the other side of the line as Nyra watches the man. She turns her head to the sudden noise of a bullet train closing in on the station. "Yeah, yeah, that's nice to know Tommy but I gotta go."

"But-" He gets cut off. She stands on the platform as she waits for the train doors to open. When they do she steps on the train.

𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕: 957

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎 悲鳴, Tangerine [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now