𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 3

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An automatic door opened in front of her letting her into and economy carriage. As soon as she stepped into the carriage a man came up to her. "Ticket please." He stated with a smile.

"Yep, sure." She told him as she dug through her jacket pockets. She pulled out a small ticket and gave it to the ticket inspector. "First class is that way." He told her as he pointed down the train.

"Domo arigato." She thanked him. She made her way down the carriages. She pepped her head through the window on the door which over looked the next carriage. She spotted her brother-in-law, Lemon, who was sat opposite her husband. The door opened and she stepped through trying to act cool and not blow it. She quickened her pace as she looked down at the floor.

"Pull your coat together so no one notices, Lemon." She heard her husband tell his brother as she walked past them. "I think they'll notice the childish codenames first." He stated back. She got past their seats still looking at the floor when she got knocked into. Tangerine and Lemon heard the commotion, their conversation stopped and were looking at the back of Nyra's blonde head. Nyra was knocked on the floor by the same man she crashed into on the street . The man helped her up. "Jesus Christ mate". She said to him as she got to her feet. He realised that it was the same woman. "I'm so sorry again. Are you okay Ms?" he asked her.

"No harm done again, just took a bit of a tumble." She smiled at him. Tangerine and Lemon were still watching the two of them not knowing that the woman was his wife, they watched as the blonde man moved out the way to let Nyra through. The man also continued on his own journey down the carriage.

She continued to walk down the carriages until she got to first class. She slowed her pace as she walked past a girl in all pink and a man asleep in the chair closest to her. She continued to the next carriage where she slid into her seat. She placed her small hand bag on the arm rest of her chair. She took out her phone and dialled her handlers number. She held it up to her ear. "I'm guessing you're on the train." He asked her. She hummed in agreement. She looked around to see if anyone could be listening to her conversation. The only person she spotted was a man who asleep in a chair far behind her.

"What was the job again?" She whispered.

"First of all put your earpiece in then well talk about your job again." He told her. She looked through her handbag and found the earpiece and pressed it into her ear with her phone still held up to her other ear. "Can you ear me?" he asked her.
"Great now I hear two of you. How lucky am I." She stated sarcastically.

"Hang up the phone you retard." He barked at her.

"What did you think I was going to do walk around with this fucking phone to my ear the entire journey?" She asked him mockingly. But she hung up the phone and placed it on the small table in front of her. "Job?" She asked impatiently.

"You have been asked to kill a man called carver. Intel says that hes wearing tan coloured hat, black framed glasses and wearing a green jumper slash jacket thing." He told her.

"I walked into a man wearing a tan hat and wearing a bit of green but he didnt have glasses." She told him. "Actually I walked into him twice." She got up and took her jacket off. She placed her jacket on her seat as, she then took the dagger out of her bag and her phone of the table, rolled up her dress and slid them both into her holster next to her revolver. She stashes her bag and jacket underneath her seat. She walked back down the carriage. "See him yet?" He asked.

"Jesus fucking Christ Eric I only just started looking." She huffed.

"Well tell me when you do." He requested. She agreed. Just as she was about to exit her carriage she heard a crash from the carriage just in front. She pulled her dagger from her holster. It had a small hoop at the top of the handle. She spun the dagger in her hand as she walked towards the noise. "I heard something." She stated.

"What?" He asked.

"There was a loud crashing sound. It could be Carver." She told him. "And I'm walking towards it." Voice started shouting, she heard grunting. She held the dagger close to her side as she walked closer to the carriage. "Anything?" Eric asked her. She shushed him as the automatic door opened. There was broken glass on the bar floor. She looked up and saw two men. One looked dead and the other was guy she was looking for. "Looks like I found you." She said sweetly. The man looked up and saw her standing there with her fingers rapped around a dagger.

"Woah, woah, lady its not what it looks like." He tried to defend himself. She raised an eyebrow at him. "Sorry mate but it looks like you killed him." She stated mockingly.

"Scream? Whats happening? Did you find him? Talk to me here." Eric started to panic as Nyra wasnt answering. She pressed the earpiece and turned it off. She stood looking at the man. She held up the dagger and pointed the end towards him. "Just before you try to kill me. Who do you think I am?" He asked. A confused look spread across her face as she answered. "Carver." She stated.

"I fucking knew it." He shouted. Nyra got even more confused as she watched the man shout at the floor. "Look- I'm sorry whats your name lady?"

"Scream." She answered.

"Look, Scream, I'm not carver. I'm only filling in because he called in sick or some shit like that." He told her. She slowly lowered her dagger back down to her side. "Why should I believe you?" She asked waving her free hand around. "And also calling in sick? Does he think this is fucking school or some shit?" She asked him.

"Exactly what I said. Hes a dick anyway." He replied. Nyra pressed her earpiece and straight away heard Erics voice. "Nyra. Dont ever do that again!" He shouted. "Did you at least kill him?" He asked sounding slightly calmer. The man was trying to make the look like he had only had to much to drink. "No I didnt because his replacement, uh," she paused realising she didnt know who he was. "Sir what's your name then?" She asked him.

"Ladybug." He told her as he sat in front of the body trying to figure out who the dead man was while eating a bag of wasabi peas. "I didn't kill him because he's not here, and his replacement Ladybug is here instead." She told eric.

"So what? He's there to do the same thing as Carver was supposed to do. So kill him." He told her. Ladybug stood up and made his way towards her with a briefcase in his hand. She moved out of the way as she turned the earpiece off again. "You don't want the case?" He asked surprized. She shook her head.

"I was only hired to kill Carver." She shrugged. "Leave for all I care." He walked back towards her and held his hand out. She shook his hand while looking confused nevertheless she had a small smile on her face. "It was nice to meet you Scream, and thanks for not killing me." He told her. Before she could say anything he started to make his way down the train. She started to walk slowly behind him until she got back to her seat. She turned the earpiece on again. "Eric you there?" She asked.

"You are a fucking idiot you know that right?" He said frustrated. She thanked him. "Where is he now?"

"He thinks he's getting off the train but I saw Lemon and Tangerine guarding some of the exits off the train so I have a feeling that he won't be able to get off. Oh and also. I am most likely going to kill him if I see him again." She told Eric.

"Oh, thank the fucking Lord." As he said that the train came to a halt.

𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕: 1436

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎 悲鳴, Tangerine [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now