𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 4

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Nyra didn't sit still for long. She saw Ladybug returning from bar carriage. "He just walked past me." She informed Eric.

"Did he see you?" He asked her.

"Well he didn't look at me." She told him. "I'm gonna go take a walk and see if I can follow him." Eric agreed that she should do that she got up and started to walk through the carriages. When she walks into the next carriage he's gone. "I lost him." She says to Eric.

"Well go find him Sherlock."

"Fuck you Watson." She whispered harshly. Nyra turns around and sees the girl in all pink again. "Hi, excuse me." She said to her causing her and the man next to her to look at Nyra. "Sorry to disturb you but have you seen a man with black frame glass and a tan coloured hat with a green zip up shirt?" She asked the girl.

"Uh yeah, he went that way." She told her as she pointed down the train into the next carriage.

"Thank you, love." She says as she hurries down the aisle. She walks down the carriages and sees him, as he gets into baggage compartment to hide. She quickens her pace to get to him but stops dead in her tracks. She sees her husband walking towards those doors from the opposite direction. "Shit." Panic started to set in her voice as she slid into an empty seat.

"Shit what?" Eric asked her.

"My husband is walking towards Ladybug and I need to get to him." All Eric did was laugh. "It's not funny Eric." She grumbled.

"Oh, but it is," he said in between laughs, "This is way you should've told him that you're in the same business." He told her as he started to calm down. "Also, are you wearing your nice dress? The red one?" He asked.

"Yeah, why?" She asked him as Tangerine held a phone up to his ear.

"Because if he gets angry or upset..." He trailed off letting Nyra figure out the rest.

"Okay, first of all I'm not going to do that, second you are disgusting and third Tan is talking to someone on the phone." She watched her husband closely. He hung up the phone and she watched as he started yelling at someone. "He's yelling at Ladybug." She told Eric. He just snickered.

"Shit. Fuck. Shit."She said as the panic in her voice rose higher than it was.

"Shit. Fuck. Shit. What?" Eric asked her.

"Tangerine. He's walking towards me." She started to panic even more.

"Just relax and pretend to look out the window or something." She took a deep breath and looked out the window just like Eric told her to. As he walked past, he was mumbling curse words to himself. She heard the automatic doors open behind her and she turned around to see him walking down the next carriage. "Crisis averted?" Eric asked her.

"Yep." As she stood up the doors opened. She quickly sat down again. She watched her husband walk back down the carriage and exit through the set of doors on the other side. "That was close." She sighed.

"What was?"

"I just stood up when the doors opened again and Tan walked through them again."

"Well go find ladybug." She got up and started to slowly follow her husband. When she got to a carriage that was lit by neon lights a small girl walked into her. The girl was crying. Nyra kneeled down in front of her, "Where are your parents?" Nyra asked the little girl. The girl started to talk in Japanese. The only think that she understood from what the girl was saying that she had lost her mum and that she's supposed to get off at the next stop. Nyra smiled down at her. "Can you point which way you were last with your mum?" She asked. The little girl pointed in the same direction that Tangerine went in.

She held out her hand for the little girl to take and the little girl picked up a small stuffed toy of a Momonga that she had dropped on the floor when she walked into Nyra. They started to walk down the aisle together. "What's your name?" She asked softly as the little sniffed her toy.

"Aiko." She replied quietly.

"Well my name is Nyra." She told her as they walked into the next carriage. They continued to walk down. Aiko gasped when a woman walked through the door. Nyra didnt notice until Aiko tugged her arm. She kneeled down and Aiko started pointing towards the woman who was frantically looking around the carriage. The woman spotted the two of them and ran over. "Aiko!" She exclaimed as she kneeled down and hugged her kid. "Nyra what are you doing?" Eric asked her confused on what's happening on her end.

"I found a little girl, Aiko, who lost her mum. So I helped her find her mum." She said as she watched the mother and daughter. The mother looked at Nyra and thanked her. Aiko hugged Nyra as a thank you. Nyra smiled at them. She waved at Aiko with a smile as she continued to walk down the train.

"Well that was nice of you but, Ladybug." He said to her.

"You know. I think I want kids in the future." She told him as she walked down the train.

"Nice to know but can we focus here." Nyra rolled her eyes. She managed to catch up with Tangerine.

"I see him."

"Him who? Ladybug?"

"No. I see my husband." She watched her husband try to walk through the doors but it wouldn't open. He turns around and she slips into a chair. She watches as Tangerine takes a stuffed Momonga from a sleeping girl. Nyra slowly stands up and walks towards the doors. She saw feathers fly up everywhere and sparks fly as the door slides open. He kicks a bag out of the way so he can get through and Nyra slowly follows. Tangerine looks around quickly and Nyra turns her back. She watches Tangerine point a gun at man that is wearing similar clothes to Ladybug. There was a loud popping sound as a man opened the doors.

"Twat! Shit." Tangerine shouted as he ran over to the door.

"I- I do love an accent." The man told him.

"I have a wife mate." He shouted back. This caught Nyra off guard and she smiled. As Tangerine inspected what had happened to the door, Ladybug had gotten up and ran down the aisle and past Nyra who got up and ran after him. "I hate running in heels."

"Next time dont wear them then." She laughed at Eric suggestion. She kept running and Ladybug was unaware that he was being chased. Nyra came to a screeching halt when she saw lemon. He looked as if he had been in a fight as he his body was bent over the table in front of him. She wanted to help him but knew that if she did the game was up for her. She looks opposite him and a boy was sat wearing Momonga glasses. She hears the doors open and she quickly walks to the link between the carriages. "I lost him."

"You what?!"

"I know, I know."

"Jesus fucking Christ Scream. How in hell did you lose the twat? You were running after him for God's sake."

"I don't know." She told him as she realised that her husband was walking towards her. She quickly hid as the train stopped and the station. She watched Tangerine step off the train as he did, a gang of men met him. "Why are the Yakuza here?"


"Actually it could be the White Death's gang couldn't it be?" She asked him as Tangerine spoke with these men when they all looked towards the window. The train started to hiss and he slowly made his way back to the door as he was still speaking. "Do us a favour, get the fuck off my back, will ya?" He told them. He stood by the door and realised they were closing he quickly stepped onto the train. Nyra hid as she watched her husband walk back into the carriage and sit opposite his brother.

"I think it's all good. He hasn't seen me, so now I'm going to find little Ladybug." She says, as she's about to step out of her hiding space, when her husband walks in and past her. "Jesus, he never sees me its almost hilarious at this point."

"Very funny but you need to find Ladybug and I have a feeling that Tangerine and Lemon are also looking for him."

𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕: 1458

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎 悲鳴, Tangerine [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now