𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 9

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Five years before...

Nyra laid in bed, asleep. The front door opened and slammed shut. Nyra woke up and grabbed the pistol from underneath the bed. She heard the creaking of the floorboards downstairs. She crept down the stairs and clocked the pistol. As she reached the bottom of the stairs, she saw the person.

He had his hand to his side and a small limp. She raised the gun and when he turned around she placed the gun down on the side table. She ran up to him and he wrapped his arms around her. "I didn't mean to wake you up, Love." He said quietly. She buried her face into his neck as he held her tightly.

She moves slightly away from him. She looked down to his shirt where blood slightly stained it. "Tan, what happened?" She asked him as she made him sit down on the sofa. She pulls off his shirt and looks at the slight wound on the side of his rib cage. He pulls her down onto his lap. She draped her arms around his neck as he kissed her. She pulls away slowly as he keeps his eyes on hers. "Come on Tan." She says as she gets up. He grumbles as he stands up.

As she's about to walk away, Tangerine picks her up bridle style and carries her up their stairs. He kicks the door gently, which caused it to open. He placed her on the bed gently and he walked into bathroom. Nyra fixed her pillow and pulled the blanket over herself. She started to drift off to sleep when Tangerine walked back in. He laid on the bed next to Nyra and brushed her hair away from her face. He pressed a kiss on to her head. He turned onto his side then pulled Nyra in closer. She buried her head into his chest as he wrapped his arms around her.

Tangerine woke up in the bed alone. He looked around the room to see if he could find Nyra. He walked out their bedroom and down the stairs. He sees her in the kitchen. He pulls her in by the waist from behind. He buries his head into her neck. "Good morning, darling." She says. He mumbles a good morning. She turns her head and kisses him on the forehead as she holds his arm. "How'd you sleep?" She asked him as he let go of her and spun her around.

"I slept better then I have for the past week." He told her as he turned the kettle on. "I missed you when I was working." He said to her.

"We've only been married for three months."

"But we've been together for five years." He tells her. She smiled and passed him a mug for his tea. "How's Lemon?" She asks him.

"I mean he's Lemon. He said that he misses you and Tommy, who he has now calling him an Edward just like you." She smiled as she watched him takes a sip from his tea. "Where is Tommy anyway?"

"I sent him off to school already because its like-" She stopped to look at the clock, "-ten o'clock, you slept in and I tried not to wake you up." She told him.

"Your not working today?" He asks her. She shakes her head and places her mug of coffee down on the kitchen counter. There was a loud knocking sound on the door. Nyra went to answer the door and Tangerine stopped her. "What?" She asked him.

"I'm not letting people look at you like this."

"Like what?" She asked. Tangerine looked her up and down.

"You are fucking wearing one of my shirts and a pair of knickers. And that's it."

"And your point is?" He didn't respond and he walked towards the door and opened it.

"What are you doin here?" She heard Tangerine say. Lemon walked in with his arms open. Nyra accepted him with open arms. She has a large grin on her face as they hug. "Hey Nyra." Lemon says softly. Nyra smiles at him and he chuckles. "Did he behave?" Nyra whispered to Lemon, mockingly. Lemon nodded. "Yeah, he did." He whispered in the same tone. Tangerine walked over to them.

"You know I can hear you right?" He glared at the two of them.

"We know." The two said in unison.

"You want tea?" She asked Lemon. He nodded and Nyra started to make him his tea. The two men sat down in the living room. Nyra heard the front door open. She walked out the kitchen, Lemon and Tangerine poked their head through the doorway. Tommy appeared at the other end of the hallway. Nyra tilted her head at him as the two men walked out the living room while Lemon was holding his cup of tea. "You should be in school." Nyra stated.

"Got sent home." He said cooly as he took his bag off his shoulders.

"You snuck out of school again, didnt you?" She quizzed him. Tommy avoided eye contact. "Tommy?" She said growing impatient.

"Fine. I ditched school, I climbed over a fence to get out." He told them. Lemon and Tangerine gave him a thumbs up as if to tell him Well done for getting out of school. Nyra rolled her eyes at her brother.

Later that night Lemon and Tangerine took Nyra and Tommy to their local pub. Tommy was getting an earful from Lemon on way he saw him as an Edward, whilst Tangerine and Nyra were sat at the bar. "At least you didnt die." She said to him before knocking back a shot of tequila. He laughed sarcastically. "Thanks Love."

"No problem." She told him. She looked over at her brother and Lemon. "They get on well. Don't you think?" She asked. Tangerine hummed in agreement as he looked over at them as he watched Lemon show Tommy something in his hand. "I'm going outside for a cigarette." She tells him. She stands up and walks out the doors into the cold night. As she lit the cigarette and put it to her lips Tangerine came out. He lit his own and wrapped arm around her shoulders. She rested her head on his shoulder. "I love you, Nyra." He tells her as she blows out smoke.

"I love you too, Tan."

𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕: 1066

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