𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 8

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Nine years before...

Nyra walked out of her house onto the streets of Warwick with her younger brother following her. "Nyra where are we going?" He asked her.

"We're going to Uncle Eric. And we're going to get you signed up." She told him.

"I'm gonna be like you?" He asked. Nyra nodded. They walked down a couple of streets. They walked up to glass door, Nyra opened it and Tommy ran straight into the building when he saw Eric standing at the other end of the hallway. Eric squatted down and hugged Tommy as Nyra walked up towards them.

"Are we signing you up today?" Eric asked Tommy as he straightened himself up. Tommy jumped up and down with excitement as he nodded in agreement. Nyra smiled down at her little brother. The three of them walked up a flight of stairs into a bustling office as people walked around with papers, or people talking loudly on the phone. Eric opened another glass door into his office as Tommy and Nyra sat down.


"Thomas Matthew Colby." He told him as Eric recorded his information on his laptop. "Birthday and age."

"Seventeen of July two thousand and four, and I'm nine." Eric nodded then looked up the two of them. "Hang on. Your eleven years older than him?" Eric asked Nyra.

"Yeah, I'm twenty." She told him as she looked at him confused. He shook his head then returned to his laptop. Eric continued to ask Tommy questions. "And lastly, your codename." He told him. Tommy squirmed with his excitement as Nyra stood up and held on to his shoulders from behind him to hold him still.

"Since your sister's codename is Scream-"

"Like the film." She cut in and mumbled to herself loud enough for the others to hear. Eric cleared his throat, "-anyway, I'm going give you the name Ghost." A woman walked into the office. "So Tommy, you're going to go with Ms Viper and shes going to help you with some little details." Eric told him. Tommy got out of chair walked out with the woman, Nyra went to follow. "Not you, Scream." He told her. She rolled her eyes a him and sat back in her chair.

"What do you want now?" Nyra sighed.

"I have a job for you." He stated as he handed her a file. Nyra opened the file.

"I'm going to Paris?!" She asked excitedly. Eric nodded as he motioned for her to read the rest of file. "So I'm going to Paris, to kill this, Hugo Lambert?" She asked him.

"Yeah, and there are two other operatives are also working this job, so be quick with the job." He said to her.

"I don't really care about the two other operatives, what about Tommy?"

"He can stay with me." Eric walked out the office with Nyra. They went into a room full of guns, knives and other weaponry mounted up onto the walls.

"Take what you need." Eric said to her as she looked at the pistols and revolvers up on the wall. She takes a down a revolver of the wall. Eric picks up a knife and hands it to her. "Take these and I'll drive you to the airport." He handed her plane tickets, a passport, and a bag of clothes.

Nyra walked out onto the crowed streets of Paris. She spotted Hugo walking down the street. She followed him but kept her distance. She followed him around a corner, she was knocked on to the floor. Her hair fell in front of her face. "Look what ya did, Tangerine." A voice said.

"Yeah, well I didn't mean to knock her over. Did I?" He told the other. Nyra brushed her short blonde hair away from her face. "Your cockney." She says. The man helps her up.

"Sorry about that love." He says.

"My brothers a bit of a cults." The other said. His brother looked at him and tried to protest but his brother elbowed him the rips as Nyra brushed herself off. "You alright?" Tangerine asked her. She hummed in agreement.

"Your English?" The other man asked.

"Yeah, I'm assuming you are also." The two men nodded.

"Well we'll let you go then." Lemon said. Nyra smiled as she walked away from the two of them. "She's pretty, Tan." He said to his brother.

"Shut it, Lemon." He grumbled as he watched Nyra walk off in the same direction as Hugo went in. "We have a job to do Lemon." He stated as the walked the other way.

She walked down a street and watched Hugo as he walked down an empty lane. She pulled out her pistol when she heard a gunshot echo from the other side of the street. She took cover behind a building as more shots were fired. She heard a man groan and another one shouting for some help while Hugo started to run in her direction. She pulled out her revolver and pointed it at his head, and she pulled the trigger.

His body fell to the concrete floor. She rushed to the shouting man as she hid her revolver in her bag. It was the same two men as before. "What happened?" Nyra asked the other.

"My brother, he's been shot." Nyra crouched down in front of the man. She pressed on his wound to stop it from bleeding. "Um-" She started then realised she didn't know his name.

"It's Lemon." He said.

"Right, Lemon I need you to call an ambulance as I try to stop him from bleeding out." She told him as kept her hand on the mans bullet wound. "What's the emergency number?" He asked with panic in his voice.

"It's one-one-two." She told him. Lemon got up and rushed to find a phone. Nyra turned her attention back to the man leaning against the wall. "Hey. Everything is going to be fine..." She trailed off.

"My name is Tangerine." He said hoarsely as he tried to hide the pain in his voice.

"Okay, Tangerine, everything will be just fine. Your brother's gone to find a phone." She told him as she pressed his hands onto his wound. He groaned in pain as she let go to find a bandage in her bag. She found a small bandage and got him to slow move so she could wrap it around his torso.

Both of their hands were covered in his blood as Lemon came back. "How's he doin'?" He asked.

"I'm fine Lemon." He groaned as he tried to sit up straight. He failed to do so by himself. Nyra held onto him as he manages to sit up. She keeps the pressure on his wound until the ambulance comes. As they loaded him into the back of the ambulance, Lemon was talking to one of the paramedics as Nyra looked down at Tangerine. "You going back to London anytime soon?" He asked her.

"I'm going back to England but I dont live in London." She told him. She finds a small piece of paper and writes her number down. She folds in and writes her name on the back of it and slips it into his trouser pocket and steps out of the ambulance. "Hey Lady!" Lemon shouted at her as she tried to walk away. She turned around. "Thanks for helping my brother." He said to her. "How can I repay you?" He asked her.

"Tell your brother to call." She tells him with a smile and walks away.

𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕: 1258

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎 悲鳴, Tangerine [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now