𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 10

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"Fuck." She groaned.

She looked down at her left leg. Blood wept from it. Tangerine hurried over to her as the other two picked up the briefcase and ran down the other end of the train.

"Fucking bell-end." Tangerine yelled at them as they ran. Nyra was breathing heavily and trying to stop the constant bleeding from her leg. "Why did you come back down?" he asked her as he helped her stand up. She winched as she gently placed her leg down on the floor. "Well, if I didn't, I have a feelin' you would be dead." She told him.

He led her to the nearest toilet and she sat down on the toilet set. Tangerine found some small, fresh hand towels. The blood from her wound had trickled all the way down to her feet and had stained her red dress, even though it wasn't really showing. Tangerine tied the towel in a knot to keep the pressure on her leg. She grabbed onto him as he tightened the knot. "Sorry love, but its for the pressure." She looked up at the ceiling as she rested her head on the wall. They felt the train come to a halt at the next stop.

Tangerine peered out the door and looked for anyone getting on the train. He heard Ladybug and the girl yelling faintly, while he watched an old man get on the train. He watched as the old man stepped on the train. The doors closed and he turned his attention back to his bleeding wife. "One more stop till The White Death." He told her as she tried to stand up. She stood for a second then collapsed back onto the closed toilet. Tangerine pulls her arm over his shoulder and helps her stand. "I'm fine." She lies trying to hide her pain.

"No you're not." He retorts. She pushes herself off of him and she walks slowly while Tangerine follows her in case she falls. They walk into the childrens carriage and she falls down onto a chair. Tangerine kneels in front of her. She pats the chair opposite to her with her other foot. Just as he's about to get up the automatic doors open. Four men walk in. Nyra turns her head and looks at the door and Tangerine does the same.

The first was an elderly Japanese man and he walked with a walking stick. Then a Japanese man that was bleeding. Nyra recognised him as the man that was with the girl and was shot when she saw Lemon. After him it was Ladybug pushing a cart towels and spray bottles. Tangerine rolled his eyes when he saw him. And finally it was Lemon. Tangerine looked up at his brother. The pair hugged. "I thought you were dead." Tangerine said as he looked his brother up and down for any bullet holes.

"I had a vest, man." He told him. Nyra smiled at the pair as she tried to stand up.

Nyra Lemon looked at her with a puzzled expression. "Why are you here?" He asked her then spotted her bleeding leg. "What the fuck happened?!" He shouted. Nyra looked at him.

"She's like us Lemon." Tangerine told him. Lemon looked between the two of them.

"And you knew?" He pointed between the two of them.

"He only found out around an hour ago. "She said cooly as she fell back into her chair. Tangerine knelt down again to make sure she was okay.

Nyra looked over her husband's shoulder and saw the man trying to clean the blood from around his bullet wound. She tried to stand up again but Tangerine made her sit down again. She glared at him and he smirked back. Lemon sat on a chair a bit further down from them. Nyra made Tangerine go and check on his brother as the elderly man came and sat down in the chair opposite her. She raised an eyebrow at him but he gave no notice.

"Fellas..." Ladybug paused, "and Lady." He added. "We need to come up with a plan." Tangerine looked over at Ladybug, his hands curled into fists.

"You fucking shot my wife." He shouts as Lemon gets up. "You shot her you little shit." He snaps, pointing a finger at Ladybug as he strides towards him with Lemon closely behind him. Nyra groans in frustration as she purposely hits her head against her chair. The man cleaning his wound stands out of his chair. "Yeah, you, you, you fucking shot me!" He yells as he points at Lemon, blocking Tangerine from getting to Ladybug. Nyra presses her earpiece. "Eric you there?" She asks as she watches the men.

"I'll shoot you in the fucking throat next time, and your partner Keira Knightly!" Lemon shouts at the men as they all start shouting over each other. Nyra takes her earpiece out of her ear and throws it down the other end of the carriage. The man opposite her shot her a strange look. "It didn't work." She told him and he nodded. "Hey. Hey! Hey! Fellas." Ladybug shouted as he threw rolls of toilet paper at the three men shouting at each other. "When we are so quick to anger, we are slow to understand." He tells them.

"Well, I'm fast to kick your ass though, I swear to God." Lemon says.

"Yeah, kick his ass." Nyra says standing up as she held onto the table. Lemon and Tangerine both tried to advance on Ladybug but were held back by the man. The man turned to Nyra as the men shouted at each other. "Must you encourage them?" He asked her as she pulled herself up onto the table.

"It's funny." She says, "But I think you should stop them. They wont listen to me. I mean Tangerine and Lemon might but the other two thats on you mate." She tells him.

"Gentleman!" The elderly man roars.

"Get off me!" Tangerine orders as they all backway from each other. They all turn to look at the older man and Nyra who is now standing with no support whatsoever. "A plum does not resent the hungry man but the farmer who planted the tree. He tells them." Nyra looked at the man slightly in front of her.

"You know when I said they'll listen to you?" She asks.

"Those weren't the words you used." He stated.

"Whatever. I was thinking you know a speech not a fucking metaphor about fucking plums and farmers." She says.

"He resents the... resents the farmer?" Ladybug asks.

"So, how do plum-plums have fuckin resentments now?" Lemon asked.

"The fuck you on about mate?" Tangerine asked. They all start asking questions, not understanding what was meant by the man. "The White Death is the farmer."

"So were the plums. Were the plums?" Ladybug questions still unsure.

"It don't make sense." Tangerine blurted out.

"Why are you motherfuckers using metaphors?" Lemon asked getting frustrated.

"He shot my fucking wife!" Tangerine yelled as he pointed aggressively at Ladybug.

"And he shot my son!" The man yelled as he pointed at Lemon. There as a silent pause. "We prepare together.. or we die alone." The man tells them.

"That's all I was trying to say." Ladybug says out of breath as he slowly points at the elderly man.

𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕: 1225

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎 悲鳴, Tangerine [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now