𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 12

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The train had crashed into several buildings until it came to a complete halt on the streets of a town. Nyra let go of the pole, the inside of her hand red due to the fastened grip she had. She pushed herself up off the chair. She stumbled for balance. She looked down at her wounded leg as she made her way off the train from the giant hole in its side.

She heard groaning from a distance and she limped towards it. She saw Ladybug sitting on a small pile of rubble. "Hey bug boy." She stated. He looked around at her.

"The fuck happened to you?" He motioned towards her blood covered face. She shook her head as she continued to walk slowly over. "Is he dead?" She asked him.

"Not sure." He said as she stopped in front of him. Ladybug looked over to his from where he was sitting and saw the snake that bit him only a few minutes before. Nyra sat down next to him and her head fell into her hands. He looked over at her and she stuck her middle finger up the air in his general direction. "Oh, fuck." Ladybug sighed.

Nyra looked up at him with her tired eyes. She looked to where Ladybug was looking. "Is this guy fucking mortal or something?" She asked as she pointed at him.

"Its immortal actually." Ladybug corrected her.

"Whatever." She huffed as she glared at The White Death.

"About your wife, I had nothing to do with that. Its a mistake. I'm not Carver." Ladybug told him. "I only do snatch and grab jobs." He confessed as The White Death stopped in front of them holding a gun. "The Carver, I wanted the Carver! I hired the Carver!" He stated.

"Yeah, no, he had a stomach thing, man. I'm just filling in." He told him as he shifted backwards into the seat. The White Death raised the gun and pointed in between his eye and nose. "You're filling in." He repeated trying to understand.

"For what its worth, Carver is a dick." Ladybug said cooly as he was now leaning back near to Nyra. She watched the two closely. "The most cunning assassin, maybe the laziest, but..." He trailed off.

"Quick question." Nyra intercepted. The two men looked at her. "Why did you hire me?" She quizzed him.

"You murdered a very, very important businessman. Who was my associate." He told her. Mate.

"I've killed a fucking truck load of people you gotta narrow it down for me." She stated. He waved his gun in her direction when he said, "Hugo Lambert."

The man she killed just before she saved her not yet husband and met the love of her life. She nodded and smirked. The White Death pointed the gun at them both and heard it click as he tried to fire it. He throws the gun to the side and pulls another from his pocket. "Aw, come on." Ladybug sighed as Nyra tried to shield her bloody face. He cocked the gun. "Just let it go, bro." Ladybug told him starting to get frustrated. "DO NOT CALL ME 'BRO'!" He shouted at him.

"Ok." Ladybug said with a slight hint of confusion in his voice. He pressed the trigger and the shot echoed. Nyra looked up and felt no pain, other than her leg. She looked at where The White Death was standing and saw his corpse on the floor, his face partially blown off. Ladybug groaned in disgust as looked at the body. "I'm gonna be sick." She said softly standing up and rushing away from the brain matter around her.

Ladybug quickly got up and realised that the two Japanese men were alive and were looking over at the dead body. "Dude, did you see that? What was that?" Ladybug asked them. Nyra watched the older man pull out a kitsune out of The White Death and waved it across the air, causing blood to fly in the air and splatter on Ladybugs shoes. "Dude." He stated. Nyra chuckled quietly. He covered his blade and spoke in Japanese, aiming his words at the lifeless corpse.

He got up and the four of them started walking. "Hey, about this plum. Shouldn't the plum give up all resentment?" Like..." Ladybug stopped to the sound of rapid gunfire from a machine gun. The four of them stop to see the girl in pink standing in front of them. "Oh, my God." Ladybug sighed. Nyra looked over at her. "I just wanna, fucking go home." She said desperately.

"Its my luck that delivered my fathers corpse at my feet." She said breathlessly.

"The narcissism on this chick." Ladybug said bracing his knees. Nyra rolled her eyes as tried to shake some feeling into her arm. "Untreatable." Nyra added.

"Now I am..." She said aggressively as she pointed the machine gun at them.

"Ok, wait, wait. Wait." Ladybug said to her hold his hands up.

"What?" She asked him.

"What is with this fucked-up family?" He asked himself. "You need some suggested reading, if I may." He told her as he started to count on his fingers. "Surviving Border Lining Personality Disorder."

"What?" She asked getting even more confused.

"I highly recommended it." He said to her.

"Now I, I am The White D-" She got cut off as a truck load of fruit drove straight into her, dropping some of its cargo as it continued to speed down the road, stopping somewhere further down the road. The four of them just watched. "What. The. Fuck." Nyra stated as she tracked the truck.

"Was that kar... was that karma?" Ladybug asked as the man with the bullet wound squatted down and picked up the fruit from the floor. "Farewell, tentomushi." The older man started to walk away. The man tossed the fruit towards her. "Tangerine." He stated as he walked away. She marvelled at the fruit in her hands. She patted Ladybug on the back. "See ya, Bug Boy." She said as she walked away from him.

"Bye Scream." She waved back at him as she watched a car pull up. She stumbled down the road. She heard a loud crashing sound behind her and Ladybugs faint voice. She saw the girls corpse on the side of the road. She didnt stop but carried on. She started to peel the Tangerines skin and tossing it a side as she broke the segments off and placing them in her mouth.

She noticed the truck from before as her mouth chewed on the citrus fruit. Two figures were in the distance. Her leg collapsed from under her, causing her fall. Her half-eaten fruit lay on the pavement next to her as she pushed herself back up. She limped towards the two figures. One of the figures in the distance pointed at her and the other looked over. Nyra limped as quickly as she could as one of them ran towards her. He stopped a few paces in front of her.

She looked up and saw him. Tangerine. She melted into his arms and he hugged her tightly. She looked up at him and brushed his small curls with her hand. He kissed her passionately. Her hand made its way to the back of his head to deepen the kiss. Lemon walked up to them and she threw her arms around Lemon.

Tangerine pulled her out of the hug and she held onto her hand. The three started walking towards the truck. "You know. I think I want kids." She told Tangerine.

"Whatever you want, Love." He replied.

𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕: 1272

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