𝟻.𝙶𝚒𝚕𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝙶𝚒𝚛𝚕𝚜

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Me and Lia hop off the plane. We were there for hours, and it was exhausting.

Y-"What now?"

A-"Ahem, find our friends? Mo, Le, and Kenny are coming to pick us up, remember?"

Y-"Well, I know that, but what are we going to do while waiting?"


Y-"Sure. I really can't think of anything else."

We rush over to a mini-airport Starbucks and I get anxious over ordering. Usually I don't order if in a group and get someone else to help me order. It's not that they are 'scary' or that they will 'judge' me, it's just difficult to speak when it's for other people I am not used to and familiarized with. I hate presentations in school for said reasons. It is so anxious, and for what? I know it is all in my head. I know they aren't focusing on me, but more on the information. So why am I petrified? I don't know. I look at Lia in hope she gets what I mean.

A-"What's your order?"

Y-"Strawberry Açai Lemonade with a little bit of ice and Venti."

A-"Venti? You usually go small?"

Y-"Well we are going to be walking for a while and I cannot be doing only one thing, you know this."

A-"Fair. You have a playlist prepared while we wait for the clubhouse?"

Y-"I have three options for us, Movie, Playlist, and Show, pick your poison."

A-"Definitely the show. Which show?"

Y-"Gilmore Girls."

A-"I love you, man."


Lia runs over to the barista and tells both of our orders. I get the headphones out and an tablet. I open Netflix and started making sure everything was ready. Ten minutes later Lia comes back with the two drinks, two cake pops, three cookies.

Y-"How did you know I wanted cookies and cake pops?"

A-"Y/n, I've known you since third grade, you are always hungry, you don't need to tell me your hungry."

I grab a cookie and my lemonade and start biting on it.

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Mickey Mouse➤ WE ARE HERE



Minnie Mouse➤ IT IS AMAZING!

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We hear some screaming and look over to see three girls screaming out mickey mouse and the best heartstopper ship.



We run into each other and fall to the floor laughing. We couldn't hold it in and obviously the others couldn't so they laughed along.

M.T-"Lia! Y/n!"

Me and Lia hug Mo and Kenny and Le join in.

L-"Group hug without us?" 


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We all hop into the taxi and immediately start discussing heartstopper ships.

M.T-"Nick and Charlie are obviously the best! They are the stars for a reason!"

M.G-"Tara and Darcy? Match made in heaven. I mean childhood best friends!"

L-"What about Issac. He is pretty cool."

M.T-"Leah, no offence, but that is the most single answer you could have said. The most third wheel."


A-"Ok but hear me out: Becky and Tori."

Y-"Becky is only introduced in Solitaire and has a break through mostly in Radio Silence. Tao and Elle are the best ship. I mean they are so sweet. Tao being silly and afraid of change and Elle being mature and loves seeing him happy. And have you seen the way they look at each other? They are an actual power couple. Nick and Charlie aren't the best since Nick can't understand the issues Charlie has such as his eating disorder, his anxiety, his overthinking, and more. He can only deal with it in the series, in the books he has issues with it. Issac has no issues, he can never screw up, but he isn't a ship. Tara and Darcy are a good couple but it is a bit too bland. I love them, but I can't get behind the ship being enough. Tara and Darcy are cute but not interesting enough. Tao and Elle can get a whole romantic comedy based on them, but we need the graphic novel version's hair. The series hair was a mistake."

M.T-"... I hate to say it but Y/n is actually right... They actually gave reasons."

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