𝟷𝟹. 𝚂𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚍 𝚑𝚊𝚕𝚏 𝚘𝚏 𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝

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𝐘/𝐍'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕:

W-"Sure, I'd be up for that." He chuckled, shaking his hand in his hair to get some sand out. I sit upright and walker looks at me with a smile. He opened the Razzles box and handed me one, after he took one himself. We stood up and started walking in silence. It wasn't uncomfortable or anything, but it was definitely silence.

He chuckled and leaned over the railing of the fence. He turned over to me with a smile.

W-"What colour is my tongue?" He asked with a smile before sticking his tongue out.


W-"Well, is it Razzles red or tongue red?" He followed up, making me laugh.

Y-"Razzles red." He always could make me laugh. On screen or off. I stuck my tongue out, hinting to him I want him to tell me what colour my tongue is.

W-".. Razzles red." He laughed. He gently took my hand, clasping our hands together. My hands sweat since I'm so nervous, but he ignores it. That was really nice of him. Especially since I was embarrassed by it. Walker turned to me, the sun was well set, and we were basically staring at the river. Well, he was. The sky distracted me. The starry night was gorgeous.

W-"Hey Y/n? What now? Like we kissed. Do we just date? Do we ignore each other?" He says, a bit confused.

Y-"I mean.. I wouldn't mind dating?" I offered. If he said no, I will be the most embarrassed I have ever been and will go back to where I was with Amelia.

He looked at me for a second. He laughs. Why was he laughing? How could he sit there and laugh and look so beautiful?

W-"Yeah. I guess we are." He says simply. I guess we are dating now? It's weird and a bit of a fuzzy feeling in my chest as it clicked it. Walker Scobell is my boyfriend. My boyfriend. The guy I have spent years obsessing over is finally my boyfriend. Kinda. I think. I don't know it's messy. 

That's insane.

I laugh a bit, unsure of what to do now.

Y-"So are we like Perseus and Andromeda?" I arduously say, unsure of my question. The pretty boy smiles. He simply nodded as we walked back to mine. I mean, what else are we meant to do? About 15 minutes later, we just made it home — well, to my home. I was staying in a hotel room for now, which was luckily close to everything cool, beaches, lakes, rivers, down town, farms, everything. Walker takes off his shoes and walks in, walking over to Amelia — who was on the couch — and shook her hand.

W-"Hi, my name's Walker. I'm into your best friend." He introduced himself, as she now realized they had never technically met. Walker was being polite, shaking hands and having a smile on his face. Looking at Walker like this made me know I made the right choice. In a world of boys, he's a gentleman. Amelia gave me a glare, not a bad one but more one that says "Damn, you made a good choice!" Sort of look. Walker did a small sheepish nod before walking back to me. Following where I went since he has never been inside my hotel. It was more of an Airbnb, but still. We head back to my room, we turn on a movie.

W-"Is it bad luck to watch two movies right after each other?" That was a very specific and niche question.

Y-"I don't think so?" I laughed. It was a perfect day. We turn on "13 going on 30" since we were hyping it up so much today. Chewing on our Razzles as we watched. We were borderline cuddling under the sheets. One arm around me while I rested on top of him. It was nice. I liked it. My eyes felt heavier and heavier as the minutes passed. Walkers breathe gently, hitting my forehead every time. He was practically fully asleep. I think he just needed his beauty rest. I let myself sleep, not minding Amelia being in the house, not minding the TV still on. Not minding anything but Walker.

Maybe I do like this boy. 

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