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Ash was coming over to my place for the very first time after months of online dating and messaging back and forth, they finally are coming over. We both happened to live Ogallala, Nebraska. We needed to bake a cake for the cake sell happening at a nearby festival just a town away in Brule. I needed a bit of help so we decided to have Ash over for the first time to help, especially since I have no clue what I am doing. I open the door to see Ash's face. His dreads carefully falling on his head while my hair was in a slick back ponytail. I took him by his hand and we started to bake. We were struggling a lot, getting flour all over the place. We started to realize we lacked half the ingredients. No eggs, no milk, nothing. We just had to guess. Ash tried picking up some random ingredients as a replacements. "Do you think that honey would work as a strawberry replacement?" Ash asked me, while I'm laughing my ass off and basically just guessing half the recipe. I shrug and give him the green light, he pours the honey into the dries. "Ash you were meant to put it in the wets." I said to which I receive a deep "oh" sound of disappointment from when he got it wrong to which I just laughed and kissed his cheek which gave him a wide smile on his face. He put the honey down on the counter and grabbed my hips and gently played a kiss on my lips. I love being with Ash, hes my kind of guy. 

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