chapter 1 "beast of burden"

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    I squinted my eyes at the sunrise that shined through the torn up dusty curtains that I couldn't afford. I glanced at the alarm clock 6:24am. I rolled myself up glancing at the body beside me. I hummed a smile as I hovered down over his ear "Morning birthday boy" I say as I ran my cold hand under his shirt rubbing against his warm skin. He grumbled under his breath. "The alarm hasn't gone off" he muffled in his pillow. I kissed the back of his neck a couple times in a row. "I figured five minutes is all you need for a morning quicky" he instantly perked his head up "I'm up. I'm up. All of me is up mama!" Joel says and he tosses me by my hips over him to straddle. I laughed in the crook of his neck. I kissed him softly and sweetly. sweetly turned sexy, sexy turned dirty. He gripped my thighs and hips. I pulled his shirt off the top of his head. I began to kiss him down his chest down his stomach, that until the door swung open. I quickly jumped up and stood like I wasn't doing anything.

"That's disgusting"

"What's disgusting? Other than your face?" I smirk as I walked past my 13 year old to go into the bathroom.

"I definitely didnt need to see that"

"Then knock!" I hear Joel snarck from the bedroom.

"Well I was gonna ask what's for breakfast on dad's special day?" Sarah leaned on the door frame as she watched me pee.

"Egg's. Bacon and freaking toast!" I say putting up my panties.

"We had that yesterday" she complains

"Yuh. I haven't gotten a chance to go to the store." I walk out of the bathroom into the kitchen. "What about pancakes?" She asked.
"No milk for pancakes, And no bread either. Looks like we're having eggs and bacon!" I say joyfully yet sarcastically. "That's okay. He doesn't like pancakes anyways" Sarah says as she leans against the counter. "it's Obama's economy! Can't even afford a loaf of bread!!" I say as I crack eggs.

Joel and Sarah groan as Joel walks in the room "here you go about communism in the white house" Joel smirks as he grabs coffee. "It's true! That asshole in that white house sits there and says  'Oh let's feed the government and then other countries before we feed our own people!' Get fucked Obama!!" I say as I naw of a granola bar.

"You're so dramatic" Sarah says as she sits on the counter.

"You know what? Fine. I'm gonna go feed the neighbors dog, then the neighbors before I do anything with you and your daddy! See how you like it!"

"Okaayy" Joel says as he clicks on the radio. The radio was my everything. My mother raised me on music, rock and roll, blues, everything you name it. I moved my hips back and forth to the tune. "Who sings this Blondie?" I say to my blonde haired, blue eyed daughter.
Sarah rolled her eyes. "The rolling stones"
I smiled and danced as I poured the eggs in the pan. "And the name?"
"Beast of burden" she smirks trying not to act amused. "God you're like your father just a big bore."

"I ain't a bore! Did you forget where Sarah was made?" He stood holding my hips from behind, smooching my neck.
"Mmmm yeah! 1999 Woodstock! In the Bathroom! I remember" I laughed allowed.

Sarah gaged "that's disgusting!!" She yells. I smirked "i was so drunk I could've been banging anybody in that bathroom" I laughed loud.
"Ew my god I'm skipping breakfast" she says as she hops off the counter. "No you're not. Sit down Blondie!"

"On the brightside it was cleaner in the bathroom than outside in the venue" Joel says as he sits at the table beside Sarah. "Alright alright! She's 13 that's enough" I say as I place plates Infront of them. I quickly jogged to the bedroom "ain't you gonna eat!?" Joel yells

"I'll have to take my food to go!" I yell from the bedroom. "I have to work a double today at the hospital!"

"What? Again!?"

"Yeah again! We're low staffed? You can thank Obama for that!"
They both groan once more but loud so I can hear. I Jogged back out in my scrub uniform. "Why again?" Sarah asked bummed out. "Do you wanna eat? Do you wanna get a new pair of shoes once in a while?"


"Then I have to work. I gotta keep a roof over your head. Or else you'll be taken by the government and sent to a farm for orphans. You'll be forced to pick up horse shit and cow shit. Don't you want that?"

"No!" She laughs in her eggs. "Alllrright then!"

"When will you be home?" She asks

"12am. So don't wait up for me you have school in the morning" I say

"What about dad's birthday?"

"It's just another day baby girl not a big deal." Joel strokes her hair. "okay.. can you at least bring home a cake?"

I sigh "if any stores are open ill find something i promise! Now! Eat and get your ass to school" I kiss her golden hair as I toss my purse over my shoulder. I shuffle over to joel squeezing his cheeks with my hand "and you, I know it's your birthday but you have to come up with dinner."
"Okay" he says muffled as I continue to squeeze his cheek. "Okay. I love you" I kiss his fish face before opening the front door. There stood Joel's younger brother tommy. Lazy fuck. I don't really like him. "And you! Get the fuck out of my house!"

"Mornin bobby McGee" tommy smiles kissing my head as he shuffled past me to get himself some breakfast. I rolled my eyes. "How much longer Joel!?"
Joel shook his head as he took a good mouthful of eggs. I huffed as I walked outside. Sharon across the street works with me. We carpool everyday. It's cheaper for me. "Morning Joplin!" Connie Adler, my nextdoor neighbor announced. "Good morning Mr and Mrs Adler how are you guys!"

"We're okay. I was just wondering, my mother has this rash. I was wondering if you could check it out!?"

Ugh. If you're a nurse you know how it feels to get this question asked. "Uh I'd love too! But I'm running late. I'll come by tomorrow to take a look!"
"No rush! Thank you honey!" I waved to her as I got in Sharon's car and huffed.

"Another rash?"

"It's like everyday there's is something new. I honestly don't wanna look at an old ladies ass anymore!" I laugh.

Sharon Snickers. "Better than old man balls!"
"I'd rather see those! Shit don't come out of those!" We laughed as we drove to work. "Did you hear the new CDC statement?"

I looked at her "no what?"
"There is a new virus going around. A dangerous one. They don't know the cause of it or a cure just yet"

"So I'm assuming the cases at work are going to be worth our time today hm?"

"God I hope not. I'm not looking forward to getting sick again!"......

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