chapter 3 "war pigs"

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   2032, the new world order. No one exists. Mother nature has overtaken the city's. Only communist villages to exist. I've lived in some, I've lived in many. I've been captured, Imprisoned, I've been beaten, I've been hospitalized. Never once did any of that stop me from trying to survive. I spend most of my days hunting and gathering. I do not stay in one place. Im always on the run. I've been in Texas for most of my days. I tried not to stray too far. Just in case, hoping someday my family will return to me. It's been 19 years and I had yet to see anyone. No one I knew, no one I loved. Around this time I'm in Colorado on the boarder of Wyoming. I travel because I feel there may be other chances of people existing. Good people. Not that I believe in good people anymore. Everyone is about control. It's a new world, which means a new ruler. For some reason they believe if they become big and powerful they'll rule the world. Everyone ends up dying before that point. So why even try? Why not rule a community where everyone succeeds? It's beyond me.
It was hot. Wyoming summer heat. Someday the heat has almost killed me. I've had more heat strokes than I've had sex in the past 19 years. I wondered through the nature filled rivers and creeks. I've been thinking of this place to settle for good. Until I died. No one could find me out here. I could build walls, a home, traps, anything. It could be a great opportunity.  I sat by the water sticking my feet in the cool creek. I cupped handfuls on water to place on the back of my neck. I would jump in this creek naked if I wanted to. It felt so good. I looked up at the blue sky. Reminded me of Sarah's eyes. I watched birds as they flapped away. Wishing I was them. Hoping I could be one of them when I died.

"Stand up with your hands behind your head" a rough female voice grumbles behind me. I turned my head a bit seeing at least 12 people on horses with guns pointed to my head. "I'm just passing through I don't need no trouble" I say as I toss my gun to the ground beside me.

"Turn around slowly"

I slowly turned around glancing at each person on a horse. "I ain't got anything but a gun and some water"

"Where are you from"


"Are you sick?"

"Hell nah"

"Where are you from!?"

"Austin Texas"

"Mmm" she paced around me.
"What's your name?"


"Like the singer?"

I roll my eyes "yeah like the singer! is this 20 fuckin questions!? I said I'm just passing the fuck through!"

"What was your occupation before all this"

"I was a nurse"

"Have you have delivered babies before?"

"Sure" she looked me up and down. "I've got a place for you" she replied

"I ain't going with you! I ain't joining communist china!" I spit to the ground

"You'll die out here"


"Get on the horse"

"Eat shit!"

The guns were aimed high up to my temple "fuckin kidding me?"


"For fuck sakes" I look up at one of the men on the horses "ooo a sexy cowboy for me! Why thank you" I said sarcastically and angrily as I get in the back of the horse.
We ended up riding for a good hour. We approached giant walls that I could see from miles away. Thes walls stood at least 30 feet in the damn air. I wasn't intimidated because not much intimidated me anyways, but this was intense. The woman waved her hand, with one swat of her hand the gates were opening. It was insane to see that these people brought back technology. I saw lights, electricity for the first time, I saw someone watering their garden with a hoes, which means irrigation, I also was amazed at the sight of children. Kids. Younger than the age of two months. Happy healthy mothers and children. Not a single person had a weapon. Red flag. Not a single child was worried when they opened up those gates. Red flag. My fellow passenger hopped off his horse. He looked up at me handed out his hand. I hesitated for a moment. Then I followed his lead. My feet touched the ground as I look around.
"Nice place ain't it?

"I'm assuming these woman are not allowed to carry guns?"

"Nor are the men. I don't need murders" red. Flag.

"Smells like communism"

"And what's wrong with communism"

I gave her a dirty look. "Did you go to school? Im assuming these people do not know how to defend themselves"

"From what! There is no fear here"

"From them clickers outside them walls. Better yet, from people like you"

She shook her head and laughed at me. She continued to walk. I looked around cautiously. I watched as a woman walked past me with a baby. The baby gave me a huge smile as the mother says "say hi". My heart broke. I felt like crying. I didn't. Cuz I ain't a pussy. I watched in sadness. I gave that child a slight smile. I haven't seen a baby in years. I instantly thought of Joel and Sarah. It hurt me. Broke me.
I continued to follow this woman. "Do you have any kids?" She asked. "Don't ever ask me a personal fucking question again" I say. She let out a laugh "you can stop the tough act" I rolled my eyes.

"when can I leave?"

"How about the morning. For now just enjoy yourself"

"I don't do that"

"We'll try. We'll get you some food water, clean clothes"

"I don't need your shit"

She laughed once more. We walked behind a building as we saw men sawing lumber for an extension to the wall. I looked around closely at the sharp tools. Just in case I needed a weapon, I knew where to find one.

"This is my husband tommy. He'll be showing you where to stay"

I looked up from staring at the lumber. As I tilted my head up my world shifted. That burdened bastard who would eat my food waste my water and teach my daughter all the wrong things was standing Infront of me.

"Joplin?" His eyes widened as he dropped his tools. I stared at him as if I was staring at ghost. "...t..tommy" my voice cracked. He dropped everything and ran to me. Tommy pulled me in his arms. He held the back of my head with his large palms embracing me tightly. I gripped his shirt letting out a small sob into the crook of his neck. "Tommy! Is.... I... Oh my god!" I yelped in his skin. He still held me close. I could feel his hands shaking. He pulled away from me and held my face with my cheeks in his hands. "look at you. All old and shit" he wiped my tears with his thumb. I held my hands on his wrists.  I let out a slight laugh. "Where have you been" I sniffled staring at his face not believing my eyes. "here. For a couple years now"

His broad coughed and cleared her throat. "wow. Ive never seen him act like that. It's as if hes in love you or something" she laughed uncomfortably. I pulled away from him but kept eye contact. I felt hope fill my heart "Joel? Is ..Is...Joel here? Sarah? Are They here!? Where are they!? They have to be here right?...right!?"
Tommy looked down. He looked sad. My heart stopped ince again being crushed. Why did he look sad?
"R...right tommy?... they're here? Alive?"
Tommy looked up at me with shame. "I lost them years ago. We got separated when all this started. I have no idea where they are or where they could be" I replied. My hope was crushed. I felt numb again. The warm feeling was gone.  "oh this is Sarah's mom?" The woman says with sarcastic joy.
"Don't you ever say her fucking name bitch. I sear to god I'll kill you" tommy got between us.

"Jop this is my wife maria"

"Those threats won't last long under my walls sister"

"I ain't your sister maRIA!"

'"let's calm down huh? Come on I'll show you were you'll be staying"

"I ain't staying tommy"

"What!? Why we just found each other"

"I've been by myself for years. I ain't used to all this"

"But I want you here"

"My child is still out there. My husband is still out there."

"You still think that?"

I gave him a dirty look "you don't!?"

"It's been almost twenty years"

"Yeah it's been almost twenty years so what!? You're gonna assume their just dead!? Huh!? You thought that about me but look! Here I am!"

Tommy sighed. "don't go just yet bobby...stay for a few days"

I let out a long sigh. "a day. I'll stay for a day"

Tommy nods and takes my hand. "Come on"

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