chapter 2 "road to nowhere"

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   I tiredly shuffled my way through the house. I gently put my purse down as I noticed sarah was passed out on Joel's lap. I put my finger to my lips as Joel perked up. I quietly walked to the kitchen to start brewing coffee. "Bout time you got home" Joel says as he creeps up behind me. "sorry. They held me back alot longer than I thought" I say as I gracefully sat on the counter. He rubbed his hands up my thighs. "How mad is she?" I asked tilting my head. "pissed" he smirked. I groaned laying my head on his shoulder. "Hey where's my cake?"
"Fffuck!" I whisper yelled. Joel Snickered as he placed a kiss on my head. "it's okay baby. "We both know she just wanted an excuse to have cake"

"I know...but I promised her" I looked up at him. "she'll get over it bobby" he says as he kissed me gently.m pushing my hair behind my ear  "I found your gift to me" Joel stepped back with a smirk. Oh shit. A gift. I forgot to get him a gift. "oh...uh really?" I smiled tiredly. "Yeah yeah I found it in the bathroom garbage" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Huh?"
He pulled a pregnancy test out of his back pocket. "this" I sat back to let him get his jollies. "And what's that Joel?"
"Were you ever gonna tell me?"

"Tell you what Joel"

"Joplin, quit it. Im serious Im not sure how I feel about this financial burden. I don't think babies dare a great idea"

"I'm serious too asshole!" I snatched the test from him. "It's negative!"
"Negative?" He looked like a fool. "A burden? Really?" I scoffed as I hopped off the counter. " know what I mean"
"No I don't think I do Joel. Is that why you've changed the subject every time I brought up having more kids!?"
Joel sighed "I really don't want to argue right now"

"There you go just avoid the question again"
Joel rubbed his face in aggravation. "I do want more kids jop, but not right now"
"Then when Joel? When? When Sarah's is having her first kid? How about when I'm 50? How about when you're dead?"
"Be realistic Joplin. Sarah ain't allowed to date till she's 67"
I shook my head. "Don't make me laugh.." I looked down at the ground in disappointment. Joel put his hands on my arms. "...I'm sorry" I look up at him with sad eyes. He frowns. "I'll tell you this...we ain't trying...but we ain't"

I shook my head "If I'm gonna have a baby I want that baby to be wanted... Not by accident" I walked past him with my cup of coffee to go to the couch. He quickly grabbed me putting me back up on the counter. I looked at him with slight annoyance. "Let's try. Right now" he says. I shook my head. "Don't be an idiot you don't want anymore and I get it". Joel slipped his head up my shirt kissing my chest. "Joel...stop"
"Why? You like it" he mumbles and he suckles on my skin. I closed my eyes tilting my head back as he continues to my throat. He slipped my scrub top off over my head tossing it to the floor. I watched him as he worked his way around my body, biting my lip. He kissed the skin peaking up from my black bra. I ran my fingers through his hair as we kissed roughly. I ran my hands along his bare skin from under his Tshirt. He pulled my legs closer to the edge of the counter so I could feel him against me. "Mmm" I pulled away. "What about Blondie?"
"What about her?"
I gave him a mom look. He grumbled as he leaned back to glance in the living room. "She's still passed out"
"Good" I pulled him closer by his belt loops. He continued to kiss hotter and hotter. I was so Ready to be bent over the god damn counter until, guess who? Yeah. The ACTUAL burden comes walking in from the sliding door. "Oooo! Hot DAMN! Making more babies?" He yells. "Damn it tommy!" Joel groans as he buckled his belt back up.
I hugged my shirt to my chest. "Find a new fucking home tommy cuz this ain't yours! And the only fuckin baby left is you, you sum of a bitch" I say as I quickly make my way to the bedroom. "Hey out of all the places you pick the kitchen"
"Shhh! Sarah sleeping" Joel whispers. "My bad" tommy whispers back.
I suddenly hear beeping come from my purse in the kitchen. "You're fucking with me right!" I groan as I dig through my purse to grab my work pager. "You have to go back?" Joel questions. "Eeeyup. It's a code black and red... I... I gotta go now. I don't know when I'll be home. But I'll see you later" I kiss Joel deeply before making my way out the door. There I'm met with Sharon again. "You too!?" She shouts as military helicopters glide above us. We both look up and watch in confusion. "Yeah...this seems bad... Let's go!"

The moment we stepped foot in the hospital we were met with gurneys filled with sick people. "The fuck" I say looking around. "Joplin! Sharon! Over here!" We hear another nurse named Karen shout. We rushed over. "The hell is going on? "No one knows. All we know is whatever the CDC released was a lie." Sharon and I looked each other then back at Karen. "The doctors have nothing to say. They don't want any part of this. They all left. They all went home to their families!"

"What!? Why!?"

"I don't know. they strapped these people down. They're acting like maniacs" Karen points to a man strapped down in restraints on a gurney struggling to get out. . "He's had 13 doses of sedation"
I watch as the man struggles and nearly breaks the restraints. "That's enough to kill an elephant" I say watching this man in horror.
"My point...But then I dug in a little more" Karen says as she sits in her desk chair. She pulls up an x-ray of that same man's brain. "It's...soup" I say as the brain looks deformed. "It has like...vines growing from it" Sharon points out. Karen looks up at both of us. "Girls....these are not humans anymore...they're monsters"
My eyes widened as I look at the man nearly breaking out of the restraints.
"What do we do?" Sharon questioned
"I...I don't think there is anything we can do" she gulped. I looked at both of them. "Kill them" they both looked at me like I was crazy "it's the only way"
"You can't kill them! They're people!" Sharon shouts.
"They aren't human! There's no freaking brain!"
"We can't! We just can't!" Sharon starts to cry. We hear screams and shooting outside of the building. "I'm assuming whatever this is, is spreading lies wildfire!?"
Karen nods. "We kill" I say.
We step out form behind the desk watching this victim in the bed growl and squirm. He suddenly broke free. He lunged onto Karen. She screamed and cried as I watched this...thing eat her throat out of her body. Sharon screamed in fear. I quickly grabbed a pencil and stabbed the creature in the head. The creature went limp. Sharon and I stared at the two dead bodies. "What...the..fuck.." I say. We look up as we see multiple of these creatures burst through the hallways ripping victims to shreds. They leaped on the walls like demonic creatures. I quickly shoved Sharon in an empty room locking the door.

"We...we..we have to get out of here" she screamed and yelled. "I need to get home to my kids!" She panicked. "What you need is to calm the fuck down or else you'll be killed!" I say as I shake her. "I need you to think! And stay calm or neither of us are getting out of here alive!" I peaked through the curtains. Outside were hundreds of people screaming and crying. Along with people being eaten alive by these creatures. There were bombs and fires being dropped and stormed everywhere. I look over at Sharon hyperventilating in the corner of the room.

"Listen Sharon. If you listen closely to me you won't get hurt I'll get you to your kids.. first things first... We are on the first we can escape through this window. Are you listening?"
She nods. "Okay, then we will make a full run to your car. I can see your car from here. We're gonna get you home. We're gonna get our families and get the fuck out of here understand?"
Sharon nods in agreement and understanding. "Joel will know what to do" I look around the room for something to break the window. I shattered open the window with a steal bed pan. I brush the glass away. "you ready?" I ask. "Let's go"
We both Made a leap of faith. We ran as fast as we could. We dodged people running, people bleeding, even people dead. As we tossed ourselves in the car and sped off we looked at each other in horror. "I still blame Obama god damn it!"

After what felt like forever we stopped the car in the middle of the road. We saw houses next to each of our own homes on fire. There were bodies everywhere. I noticed Joel's truck was gone. I hoped he took our baby girl and made it out. I looked down at the lawn. There I saw the elderly woman from next door with her head bashed in. I ran through my front door. "Sarah!?" I screamed. "Joel!?" "Tommy!? Hello!?" I searched the entire house. No sign of them. My heart was pounding. I began to panic. "Sarah!!" I cried "Sarah!!?" I don't know what to do. I was so distraught. I looked back out of the front door. I can see Sharon entering her house. The moment she opened her front door...she was mald by her 13 year old son and 6 year old daughter. Sharon screamed for my help. I didn't help. Her head was torn off her shoulders and threw across the freshly cut lawn. I watched in shock. I was shaking so bad. I couldn't even move. I watched as the 13 year old looked in my direction. He bolted. He was so fast. Abnormally fast. I ran in the same direction. I ran to Sharon's car. I slammed the door shut and began to speed. I left the passenger door open when I got out to find my family. This child crawled in the seat with me. As I served all over the road I was able to grab her rosary that was hanging from the mirror. I took that cross and stabbed the kid in the eye, causing him to go limp and fall out of the car. I leaned over and slammed the door shut. I was so fucking scared I didn't know where to go! Where to look for my husband and child. I didn't know who to call or where to resort to. I was horrified.....

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