chapter 9 "I need you"

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    I stood in the doorway of the bathroom. I watched as he stared down into the sink as he leaned over it. The steam of the shower running had filled the ceiling of the bathroom. I looked over his nude body. The skin on his back and arms were filled with scars. I wandered behind him. I grazed my hands gently over his scars on his back. My hands explored his body from his back to around his sides, ending in a gentle embrace. I held my face against his skin. I took a deep breath as I took in his presence. My hands laid flat on his bare chest. I felt his hands grip my own as he kisses my fingers. He turned to face me. I looked up at his exhausted eyes. His hands wondered to the bottom of my shirt before pulling it up over my head. I kept eye contact with him as he got me undressed.
"You look so tired"
"I am" he says a bit groggy. He hands rubbed over my body. He stood admiring my curves and edges.
"You're more beautiful than I remembered" he spoke softly. I smiled slightly as I watched his face. I took his hand leading him into the shower. Slowly began to wash his hair as he shut his eyes tiredly. I watched his body relax as the hot water flowed over him. He seemed so calm. Like he was reborn. He rinses his hair before pulling me into his body. I held my hands on his biceps. He pushed my hair behind my ear. "Where have you been all this time?" I asked sadly. He shook his head as he gently tilted my chin up for a kiss. He kissed me softly at first but it quickly turned heated. Joel Pulled my lower back towards his. He kissed me till the water turned cold. As it did I let out a small shriek. Joel let out a laugh as he followed behind me to exit the shower. "fucker!" I laughed aloud as I hung off of Joel by his neck. He held my hips. For some reason we couldn't stop staring at each other. We couldn't stop holding and touching each other. I tilted my head to the side as he started to kiss my neck. I closed my eyes as I let my arms loose at my sides. He walked me backwards into the bedroom. There he sat on the bed. I stepped close to him standing with his knee between my standing legs. He kissed my stomach as he looked up at me with his shaggy wet clean hair. I ran my fingers through his wet hair. I couldn't help but watch his eyes, his face, his grin. He pulled me into his lap. As he did he kissed up my stomach to my chest. I hid my face in the crook of his neck as I sharply inhaled in a moan. my hands gripped onto his arms as his hands gripped my hips. Joel Groaned into my neck as he moved his hips upwards. I gripped the hair on the back of his head as I grinded my hips with his. "Joel" I moaned breathlessly. "Give it to me Joel"
He wrapped one arm around my entire waist as he picked up speed. He gently bit down on my shoulder. "Oh God!" I moaned with a slight whimper. Joel moaned himself. He grabbed my face pulling it into his. He kissed me sloppily as he pushed my hips down grinding.  I moaned in his mouth as I bucked my hips harder. His finger tips dug into my skin as he came to his ends. He releases a low toned moan into my mouth as he kissed me once more rough and sexy. I panted looking into his eyes again. He gently rolls me over gently onto my back. He hovered over me as I kept my legs apart. Once again I sharply moan when I feel him in me once again. I held his face with my hands as he thrusted slowly. Without hesitation he held his hands underneath my thighs. He watched my face with deep sincere pleasure. I couldn't help but moan continuously. I hands traveled to his back clawing as his thrusting gets deeper. he hid his face in the crook of my own neck as his pace gets stronger. His arms aligned with my head to hold himself up. My legs shaking with pleasure opened Wilder to feel him even more. I closed my eyes as I arched my back. The feeling of him inside me knowing that it's actually him brought tears to my eyes. I never thought I would ever get to feel, let alone see his body, his face, his soul ever again. I moaned loudly as my nails sink into his back. "Joel!" I whimpered. "Baby" I grasped at his ass as it was the only thing I could reach. "I'm coming...Im coming!" I moaned throwing my head back. My legs bent as I came, almost wrapping around him. he once again wrapped his arm around my waist as he thrusted inside me harder. He moaned in my ear so sexy and deep. "God! That's it mama....fffuck" he got on his knees slightly as he pulled my body up to sit up on him. Our hips grinded once again. I moaned loudly as he throbbed inside me. "God....yyyyeaah" he moaned as he finished. "Mmmf!' I groaned. He he held himself inside me as he laid ontop of me. We held each other for a moment. I ran my finger tips up and down his spin. I felt his breathing against mine. I couldn't believe he was still Infront of me. I couldn't believe he was alive and well.  He picked duo his head and looked at me. I looked up at him with lustful eyes. Tears rolled.diencmy cheeks. 

"Don't...ever leave me again" I say.
He shakes his head and he gently kisses my lips before wiping my eyes. "I won't. I ain't ever leaving your side again. You ain't ever leaving my sights again" 
I sat up as he laid on his back with the sheet draped over his waistline. I stood up walking to the bathroom as we didn't shut the water off.
"Joel?" I say as I step back into the room looking through my drawer.

"Mmm?" He tiredly hummed. I look back at him from the dresser mirror. "Have you ever found another woman?" I ask as I slip on a pair of underwear. He looked over at me from his laying position. "Why?"
I shrugged as I took out a cigarette from a pack I had in my drawer. He stayed quiet not answering my question. I knew the answer. "What was her name? Or his name" I smirked as I sat criss cross on the end of the bed near his feet. "It doesn't matter Joplin"

"Is she pretty?"

"I don't know jop."

"How don't you know? Was she blonde? Is she dead?"

"Enough Joplin!!!"
I jumped at his angry loud tone.
"okay..." I coward down a bit. He let out a long sigh. "No more questions about my past okay?" He stood up walking into the bathroom. I looked down. "You owe me one answer Joel"

"And what is that? Joplin. I don't wanna talk about the other woman. I don't wanna talk about nothin"

I looked up at him as I began to get sad. "I...just.. nevermind.."

"Good." He replied as he laid back in bed rolling to his side. I looked back at him as I sat on the edge of the bed. I held my knees to my chest as I stared at my freshly lit cigarette. I laid my head down on my knees after taking a drag. I might have to ask around about what happened to my daughter.....

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