Getting cozy with laurenwolfe12

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Greetings, AfterDark lovers!

This month we got to have a chat with laurenwolfe12 and we had an incredible time getting to know the author.

Dive into the interview to get to know Lauren and learn some tricks and tips!

Dive into the interview to get to know Lauren and learn some tricks and tips!

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Let's start with a small introduction about yourself and your writing life. What would you like to tell us?

I'm Lauren. Sorry, that's probably obvious. I live in Pennsylvania but am originally from Maryland, so I consider myself an East Coaster—for life. I'm married with three kids, lots of animals, and work as a nurse.

As for my writing life, it's been mostly offline lately. Lots of editing in preparation for my first book to be published.

Congratulations on your publishing preparations! Can you tell us something about how writing on Wattpad has been for you? Has it changed your style in any way?

One of my favorite things about writing here are the inline comments. Most of the people who've read my stories know we like to have fun in the comment section. Anything goes. I wouldn't say it's changed my style, more so it helped me to develop my style. I write what I want, usually unapologetically... that's just who I am.

We love to know a writer who is true to themselves!
How do you manage to find a balance between writing and your daily life? Does it get challenging?

To be honest, I haven't done the greatest job balancing it. For a year and a half I worked from home. During that time I had much more time to write. I've struggled to find the balance over the last year. That's actually one of my resolutions coming into 2023. To get back on track, find the true joy in writing again, and have fun with it.

So, hopefully that balance is on deck.

We hope you'll be able to fulfil that resolution.
Your story Ties is your most popular Wattpad story. How has the millstone of 1M reads impacted you? What was your first reaction seeing readers love the story?

Ties is definitely... something. Reaching 1M was like holy shit! (If you need to edit cuss words feel free. I'm pretty foul mouthed lol) I think it's crazy that so many people have clicked on the story, and I'm extremely appreciative. I never thought anyone would fall in love with the MMC, Chaz, who most definitely starts out as a total ass. But he is redeemable in his own right. My style is a bit different, but I'm a fan of bucking the norm. So the fact that people actually enjoyed my quirky ways and off the wall commentary is super cool.

My first reaction was WOW. And it still is.

We love complex characters in here! It's Wattpad after all.
Coming to more intimate questions, how do you create your spicy scenes? Is there any advice you like to follow?

Hmmm... no specific advice. I always try to visualize the scene, tap into whatever characters POV it's written in. Get down to the feelings and all that good stuff.

I'm not a serious person, though I do attempt to find balance in the spicy scenes. Like, if it's the "first time" are they nervous? Will it be sweeter and more intimate etc.?

If they're trying something new or outside the box, so to speak, are there snafu's that would normally happen, uncertainties, realistic stuff.

I'm a huge fan of inner dialogue as well as WTF type of situations. It simply depends on the character and where the story is at that point.

So, no specific advice, just try to keep it real. Some scenes are meant to be super hot, others, while occasionally kinky, might be more about trust. And some are just a little flipping funny. 

How do you set the mood for writing your spicy scenes? Is there music or do you prefer to write in silence? What's your perfect time to write the after dark content?

I definitely need silence. I write on my phone and edit on my computer, so the perfect time is just whenever inspiration strikes. I have sat in a coffee shop and typed away some of my smuttiest while sitting straight-faced and drinking my latte.

Coffee is a writer's favorite companion as we have seen.
This might seem cliché but where do you see yourself in five years?

Yes, coffee is life.

I will double down on that cliché and simply say, happy. I know it sounds cheesy, but it's true. Anything else that comes along will be icing on the cake. Maybe a few published books out there. But yeah. Just happy and living life sounds good to me.

That sounds like a great plan!
What are your best tips on creating chemistry between characters?

I don't have any set things, it really just depends on the characters. Like in Ties, the two main characters are both pretty dominant. A lot of their chemistry builds from their banter and one-upping. In "The Fall Apart" their chemistry comes from past recounts. In "Uninhibited" it's a look. A touch. An opposites attract.

I guess the real answer is... it depends on the story and characters. I let them run the world.❤️

That's an interesting answer!
What does your writing space look like? Do you have a special setting or do you write on the go?

Since I predominately write on my phone, my space is always changing. I've pulled over before while driving when an idea hit me. Most of Ties was written sitting on my back deck and getting sun. Just depends. When I edit it's usually in my office area. There's a candle and two computers. But writing for me is def on the go.

Writing on phone does seem more convenient in a busy life.

Coming to our last and final question, what is an advice you'd like to share for aspiring steamy romance writers who are just beginning their first story? And what are some of your future story ideas? Anything you'd like to tease about?

My only advice would be to just do what works for you. Some people draw the inspiration from real life. Others as escapism. If listening to music puts you in the mood, run with it. If a specific ummm... movie inspires you, let it flow. I think the biggest thing is figuring out what works for you. ❤️ Another is to research what can make your story stronger, as far as figuring out the difference between action beats, dialogue tags, all that good stuff. It seems to make a difference ❤️

As far as the future...

I need to finish Uninhibited. My wonderful readers have been insanely patient with that. There is a story idea that's been floating in my head. Will have two MMC love interests, and that's all I will say about that.

I have somewhat of an urge to write about one of my characters, Karen. Yes, Karen. She is awesome. I think that one would likely be a seriously fun and unpredictable ride.

Who knows.

That's lovely to know!
Thank you for joining us for this chat. We had a wonderful time and hope you did too.

Thank you so much. And big thanks to the reader who recommended my work, and anyone who checks this out ❤️

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We hope you enjoyed getting to know Lauren!
If there is a steamy writer you would want us to interview, then feel to share their username.

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