Garcia's Galore

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[Madhu, After Dark] Garcia, could you tell us how your writing journey began?

[Garcia, Featured Author] When I was in high school I was going through a really tough time. My grades had began dropping and I had a lot going on at home. All I wanted was something to take me away from reality. My step-dad who I was really close to tried getting me to open up but I'm the type of person to keep everything bottled up. So he suggested that I write it down. One day I found an old notebook and decided to try writing a story since I enjoyed reading. The story was never finished because it was a disaster. I didn't expect it to be great since it was only my first trial but it convinced me to keep trying. My writing has only improved since then. Writing takes me to another world where I can explain my thoughts and feelings freely though fictional characters. Each character has parts of me inside of them. Writing is like my therapy.

[M] It's pretty awesome how something could make a huge change in the simplest ways.
To be honest, I've been a bit of a stalker :P What I've noticed in your books, is the predominant taboo you've written about.
Is that something you like reading? How did you go about writing them?

[G] One of my readers had asked me to do a Stepfather and Stepdaughter book but I wasn't quite sure at first. I know not everybody is interested in that type of story but I got a positive response from a lot of my readers so I decided to continue with it. The Stepfather was written so he wasn't really her stepfather and they were close in age which made it more comfortable to write. Although I don't mind writing it, I don't read it often. I've read a few teacher/student books but nothing more.

[M] You're lucky that most people, *smirks* including me, love reading taboo.
Your book, The Unexpected, is featured in our reading list, and I'm sure our readers loved it too! How did that idea come up?

[G] The Unexpected was written to show a dysfunctional family while also showing what the streets of Flint can do to a person. The story follows a family where the oldest daughter is forced to care for her younger siblings. All of them have been through a lot - especially the oldest who was sexually abused. Unfortunately this is a sad topic but many people are victims of. Several people in my family have gone through similar things, including myself, and it shows how hard it is to get over it. Many of my stories have parts of my life in it but are also altered to fit the storyline. It's my way of venting and telling my story with my books. My family is very dysfunctional and I found it easy to recreate for a story.

[M] I'm sure it would've taken a lot of courage to write down what you've been through. What were the initial results when you first started publishing it?

[G] When I first began publishing my stories on Wattpad, I didn't have many followers. I had published quite a few stories before I began to get noticed. The more I wrote, the more I improved. Eventually I deleted the stories that were poorly written so people could focus on the better ones. Over the course of time, I gained many encouraging followers who gave me constructive criticism along the way. Their comments and votes give me motivation to keep writing.

[M] That's the best part! Having readers who love your books! And their comments keep you going!
Did any book ever inspire you to try and write something similar to it?

[G] I am a big fan of E. L. James but I am not the type of person to write about BDSM. Ever since I've read her trilogy, no books have compared and I strive to be as good of a writer as her one day (only in a different style).
I am also a fan of the Wattpad account KanyeInterruptedMe. She is an excellent writer and I really enjoyed her story called Jake the Panty Ripper. Also, the account ObsceneIrrationality. Her Midnight Mafia Trilogy has been outstanding. These has persuaded me to write a gang/mafia story but I have yet to do so. I plan on writing it after finishing my current story.

[M] Now that you've mentioned it, we're at the edge of our seats, waiting for it to happen anytime soon! Now, that you've revealed your inspiration, what are your pet peeves?

[G] One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone comments on one of my stories and bashes on one of the characters actions before actually thinking about what they'd do in that situation. Everyone is different and react differently in certain situations so it upsets me when they make comments on the character being 'stupid' or 'selfish'.

Another pet peeve is having someone beg me to update. I do my best to update as often as I can but sometimes life doesn't give me the time to simply relax and write. People have to understand that writers have lives outside of Wattpad. I'd love to devote more time to Wattpad but it's impossible.

[M] For what it's worth, I'd agree with you in both cases. So, do you see yourself publishing your books anytime soon?

[G] Publishing isn't something I plan on doing anytime soon but it's definitely something I've thought about and plan on looking into in the future.

[M] I wish you a 'best of luck' from now, for then! *random alert* I am extremely curious to know if you're an animal lover or not! :P

[G] Not a big fan of animals because I was always afraid of them as a child ;p

[M] Oh, I used to be afraid too :P, used being the key word there. What are your hobbies? Well, other than writing, what do you do in your free time?

[G] Some of my hobbies are reading and writing, of course. When I was in high school, I was on the Rifle Team for JROTC so I occasionally go outside and practice.

That's all I usually do besides spend time with my family.

[M] Wow! You're badass and that's really cool!
So, all in all, you're a daredevil and awesome writer who knows her guns! :P
We're thankful that you've taken the time to answer our questions with a lot of patience and hope that you'd be super successful in the future!

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