Not Backing Down with T. Gray

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[Madhu, After Dark] Would you tell us a little about yourself, about the person behind the other screen?

[T. Gray, Featured Author] Well... Hm... I don't know where to start. I'm a 24 year old woman who daylights as a paralegal and very recently type 1 diabetic. I love people but don't like to be around them (if that makes sense). I love food, especially pizza. I'm married to a wonderful, supportive man and music would be my spirit animal if it was an animal.

[M] I know that feeling because that's the same with me :p
What's your background in writing, where did it begin?

[N] It began in primary school, didn't think much on it and in high school I was encouraged to enter a national contest and I came in third. I stopped for a while because my sisters kept snooping but then I found wattpad and as they say the rest is history.

[M] We're glad that you've stumbled across Wattpad. But how did that happen?

[N] I was looking for a good reading app and I gave wattpad a shot. Then as I delved into what wattpad truly is about I was awestruck. I've tried other apps and nothing compares. I got so damned excited when I realized I could write as well as read for free. I love wattpad books errors and all. To me its raw and untouched. Its an author's pure mind.

[M] It's amazing how people view Wattpad. It's been a great journey for me as well. Good to know you've had something equally amazing!
What were your initial results when you first started posting your books?

[N] Oh gosh at first it was slow but I loved it. It didn't matter to me the most important thing is that I did it. But then the votes and comments started coming in, the followers and I died I swear. My first story was about a hetero couple and then I dabbled in lgbtq+ and I've never felt more comfortable. I have over 4000 people following me and I don't know why. But thanks to them all.

[M] I can say that after reading your books, you truly deserve them! :)
Do you see yourself publishing your books anytime in the near future?

[N] That's the dream eh? I'd be stoked as hell but if I don't get that lucky its fine too. On wattpad I get to interact with readers while they experience my stories and that's a bit more satisfying to me. Don't get me wrong, I could use the money lol but I keep the dream alive.

[M] I'm sure one day you'd get the chance to do that, but haven't you considered self-publishing?

[N] I have but where I live its almost next to impossible due to the fact that I don't have a US account because of the economic changes in my country and the lack of US currency has taken its toll.

[M] Oh well, I hope that you'd be able to sort it out soon.
While we're on the topic, I'm dying to ask a question that I'm sure many people have wondered when they read your books. Where do you get the ideas from? What's your inspiration?

[N] I have been asked that and sometimes its music like my most recent story Teddy was inspired by a song from a movie and another was inspired by a scene from a movie. Sometimes its things and situations I've seen. Conversations I've heard. It varies.

[M] I guess it's the same for every author. Inspiration never came from the same thing.
What is the one thing you've never written yet, but would like to?

[N] Something with vampires lol. I'd love to write something inspirational. Something that'll impact somebody's life like a ten ton truck.

[M] That's a phenomenal aspiration for me, to be able to make a change in someone's life, no matter how small would be amazing.
What was your inspiration when you got the idea for Jim's Mechanic?

[N] Actually it was a prompt option and I took it and ran with it. I thought to myself most would go with some kind of proclamation of love and I got the crazy idea that a guy slashing his own tires for love well it does have a kind of appeal to it.

[M] Love can make us do crazy things, huh?
What was the most erratic thing you've done till date?

[N] Got married lol. Seriously I always thought I'd be that cat lady except I'd have dogs. But lo and behold I met somebody that adores my weirdness and accepts my allergy to people. Apart from that I'd say I went crab catching. I petted a wild crocodile once. I bought a pit bull when I was fourteen and my parents didn't have the heart to give him away. I once had sex in a cemetery. Just a few lol.

[M] Gimme a moment here, I'm wheezing after I read the last one. :P
What is the one thing you first observe in a book?

[N] First thing I notice is the writer's voice. Then I notice who the characters really are and their roles in the story.

[M] What do you think of the final drafts of your books?

[N] Some of them I wrote using my phone so I'm not too happy with some (I won't say which) and others like No Regretting Us and Covered in Darkness I did my best, Caspian's Vengeance. I don't profess to be awesome when it comes to editing but I do try my utmost best and I do end up happy with what I've done so far.

[M] What according to you make a book, a good book?

[N] One that makes me laugh or cry or go "holy shit! I did not see that coming". One that makes me ask myself questions. One that teaches me, makes me want to learn and research. Makes me want to live. Makes me think about life.

[M] How many books would you classify under that index?

[N] Whoa... A lot. I can't decide. I learn so much. I experience so much. I even read the entire newspaper lol.

[M] :P ok!

Did you ever find yourself roleplaying any character you're writing or have written about?

[N] All of them I think at some point. Its so intimate the moment you place yourself as your character. I try not to do it too often because sometimes what I would do and say and feel would be the exact opposite of what the character should.

[M] If you could choose one favorite character you've written about so far, who would it be?

[N] I can't choose, please don't make me.

I'd go with Antonio and Gage from No Regretting Us or Johnathan from the Asshole of His Dreams.

Then there's Blaise and Smitty Ray. It feels like I'm picking my favorite child..

[M] Choosing is quite difficult.
What do you think is a drastic difference in your writing as of today since when you've started?

[N] I put my all into it now. I used to just type on my phone and post just quickly looking it over.

Now I actually take the time to sit and take care of each chapter. Love them and hone them. Make sure they appeal to me. I now understand that the effort you put in you reap the rewards and I'm glad I take the time to nurture my work.

[M] I'm sorry, not really, but if you could choose the best book you think you've written so far, what is it?

[N] Sigh. Why are you doing this to me? I can't even....

I think it'll be a tie between No Regretting Us, Saddled, Teddy, Caspian's Vengeance, Pride. Ugh... I can't choose just one. I feel guilty choosing. Lol

[M] :P I kind of expected that answer. Actually, a newspaper or book chucked at me.
But I would like to thank you for the time you've taken to answer my questions and hope that we'd see your books on racks of bookstores soon!

[N] Haha hopefully. Its been a pleasure and thank you so much for having me.

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