Pointers with Paisley

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[Madhu, After Dark] Paisley, your book "Breaking Finn" is featured on our reading list. Before getting into the book deets, we would love to know more about who you are on the other side of the screen.

[Paisley, Featured Author] I joined wattpad about 4 years ago and, after reading a bunch of books in the werewolf genre, I thought I'd give writing a try. I'd never written anything fictional before, not since I was a little kid. I wrote Fighting the Alpha and was shocked when people started reading and it eventually made it to the top 10 in the werewolf genre. In the meantime, I discovered boyxboy books and became hooked in that genre and began writing Breaking Finn.

I'm a pretty private person in terms of my personal life, but I'll say that I finished school a while ago (HS & University), I'm in a permanent, monogamous relationship with an amazing man (who encourages my writing), I love to write (obviously), read, sail (I have my own little sailboat in addition to the big one I share with my man), and I more recently discovered a love for painting.

If you want to know more about my personality, than read my books; Benji and Payton are basically extensions of myself.

[M] I've read both 'Fighting The Alpha' and "Breaking Finn' and I loved them!
I love your choice of the cast too! :P
Why did you want to write a book with BDSM?

[P] I read several bdsm themed books and the lifestyle intrigued me. I did a lot of research in the process and became friends with a few people in the lifestyle who have been a great resource. My only concern is that these types of books (mine included) may glorify the lifestyle. While I have nothing against it and continue to be intrigued, no one should enter it without a lot of research, thought, and especially proper training. It's not for everyone and must be practiced with the right people who are also properly trained and approach it in a Safe, Sane and Consensual manner.

[M] I totes agree that people who want to get into the lifestyle should have their facts straight and then decide. How did you get the idea of writing 'Breaking Finn'?

[P] The idea of Breaking Finn ended up being very different than how the book played out. Sometimes you hear writers say that the book wrote itself. When I started, I wanted to explore the emotional struggle a sub (Finn) had after being with a Dom in a borderline abusive relationship - I was going to focus on how he dealt with it, fought back and recovered. Nico was actually supposed to be more of a jerk than he actually ended up. People keep commenting about their relationship being unhealthy as if I was trying to present it as a typical bdsm relationship. Nico was meant to be selfish and manipulative. He didn't give Finn all the info he needed and he didn't give him a safeword because he wanted to control him completely, he wanted Finn so bad he didn't want to give him any options for an 'out'. It was titled Breaking Finn for a reason.

The thing is, when I got these characters together, being with Finn started to change Nico. He became a better person. He fell in love with Finn and wanted to be the person that Finn deserved. The reason he let Finn go at the end of Breaking Finn was because he realized he had wronged him and didn't deserve him. Going off on his boat and staying away was his own punishment.

Anyway...as I wrote, the characters seemed to take over and the story went in a totally different direction that I originally intended. It's like the story took over and I was along for the ride. I haven't experienced anything quite like it since, my next books have been much harder to write.

[M] Nevertheless, I'm sure the readers loved it! And I did too!
What's your favourite BDSM book, on and off Wattpad? Which book would you suggest for a person who's a newbie to BDSM?

[P] I would suggest people start with LadyDianna01's bdsm books. They are sweet, funny, and very sexy. But my favourite, would have to be PrinceKenzie's Loving His Submission. Matthias and Lane are just an amazing couple. Gah...they are the penultimate!

[M] I have to check them out!
Who is your favourite author? On and off Wattpad?

[P] On Wattpad definitely PrinceKenzie, off wattpad....it would be too hard to choose. There are so many amazing authors from every time period. If I won the lottery, I'd quit my job and devote my life to reading them all.

[M] Two authors added to my 'next reads' to-do list :P
What according to you make a book, a good book?

[P] Good characterization and at least one character I can connect with and like. A good plot, emotional depth, some kind of problem that must be overcome and a few more along the way. A focus on the plot and not letting the book stray unnecessarily from it. Side stories are fine if they ultimately add to the plot, but too many that don't really connect just confuse the story. Grammar and punctuation are important; a few errors can be excused but when a book is just riddled with them it takes away from the story. I like a book that draws me into the world of the story (Suspension of Disbelief) and when there are too many things drawing me away from that (poor writing, too many Author's notes at the beginning or end of each chapter) then I can't stay connected with the story and lose interest. I have a big issue with Author's notes in chapters, I find most of them to be a writer's selfish attempt at attention and it tells me they are more interested in themselves than the story.

[M] That's a good way to get a connection with a book. Personally, grammar and punctuation are my biggest pet peeves!
What is your opinion on the After Dark Community?

[P] I think anyplace that someone can search for good books by genre is great. I just went on and found a few books to add to my "to be read" library. :) Resources like this are great when you're faced with thousands of books and want to quickly find one to read.

[M] What would you hand out as advice for aspiring BDSM writers?

[P] To do lots of research and not jump into it. And don't count reading bdsm novels as research.

I'd also like to add some advice for readers if you don't mind. I know readers on a site like wattpad love to make comments and come off as funny, but if it's at the expense of the writer, it's not kind at all. If you knew how much time and effort it takes to write, and how fragile the writer's ego is, and you still make snarky or negative comments, then you shouldn't be on Wattpad. Wattpad is a place to try things out, to practice, learn, to have fun. Be considerate and think before you leave a comment. If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. It's the golden rule.

I'd also like to thank my readers for all of their support, especially since the Wattpad Futures program started, where writers get paid when an ad is viewed between chapters. I know they're annoying, but it's a small way to support your writer. They don't get paid much, but it certainly helps and keep them motivated to keep writing. I read a lot on Wattpad and since the program started, I'm more than happy to view the ads between chapters and know that it's my way of saying thank you to the writer.

[M] Thank you! For your advice and also taking the time to talk to us! :) It's been a pleasure talking to you! :)

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