Sidekick time with Iya

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Hello AfterDark lovers! We're back for another interview, and this time, we're getting to know @Iya_fictional !

AfterDark Team: First, let's start with a little introduction. How about you introduce yourself like you would write one of your characters? Would you be the main character, sidekick, or the villain?

Iya_fictional: If I were to be a character in my story, I would rock the role of a sidekick. Not only would it put me out of focus (something which I love considering my anxious personality) but I would also get to be the most insightful one by observing the actions of other characters. Not to forget, I could just disappear for a while when things get too tense between the main characters and chill in some place, returning once things get better.

My introverted nature and I would be perfectly safe in the sidekick zone.

AfterDark Team: Haha! I never saw it that way, but that's smart! Out of focus, out of drama 😉

And what are your favorite things to do when you chill in some place?

Iya_fictional: My favorite things are definitely reading, eating, watching some cool TV content, and sleeping in no particular order. My hobbies aren't very productive as you can see. Writing used to be among things I did for fun, but I have taken a more serious approach to it now.

AfterDark Team: Not being productive is the point of hobbies, isn't it? lol

Speaking of writing, tell us a little bit more about the kind of stories you create (for people who haven't read them yet)

Iya_fictional: I like to define myself as a multi-genre author with special focus on romance. I am currently writing contemporary romances in various categories from clichés, bad boys, billionaires, to time travel and paranormal romances. I have also written a psychological thriller, although it's yet to be completed. There's steam, drama but also cute and clean storylines. My works are a combination of all.

AfterDark Team: Nice! So everyone can find what they like 😉

And you, through all of these, what is your favorite to write?

Iya_fictional: That's a difficult question for me. My favorites keep changing based on my moods. So, everything I write is a favorite at some point, although I do enjoy the occasional tricky genres the most which I write in the third person. The emotional level in those stories is of a different extent that makes me feel all the ranges of human emotions.

AfterDark Team: I feel you! Writing is such a journey of emotions!

And in these journeys, what's your starting point? I mean, where do you find inspiration to write all these diverse stories?

Iya_fictional: My ideas usually come from daydreaming which is probably what most authors say, and it holds true for yours truly too. Although, sometimes I browse through writing prompts on Pinterest and YouTube to find an idea to work on. They have great collections! The twists however are something I come up with while writing the chapters. They are often quite spontaneous.

AfterDark Team: Nice idea when looking for inspiration!

So would you define yourself as a pantser or more like a plantser (mix of plotter and plantser)?

Iya_fictional: I like to define myself as a pantser but I do keep an outline of my plot so that makes me somewhat of a plotter too. Sometimes I don't stick to the outline at all so there's that but I like to have the guarantee that when I start a story, I know where I want it to end.

AfterDark Team: We know you like to write series, sequels and spin-offs, are these part of the unplanned? Tell us more about the process for writing these? Maybe some tips for keeping it fresh and interesting?

Iya_fictional: I do enjoy writing series, but I like it more when each book can be read as a standalone. The maximum I can do is write duologies. I don't have any plans for sequels. I usually end up cooking up one after the first book is complete, and I still want to keep telling the story of the characters. My advice would be to not force a sequel on your characters or plot just for the sake of having more episodes. It disrupts the original quality and ends up making readers frustrated.

AfterDark Team: I totally agree! There's nothing worse than disappointing sequels with unnecessary drama.

Speaking of cooking, and since our specialty here is spice, what is your recipe to write a spicy story? (lol that wasn't a transition as smooth as I expected)

Iya_fictional: was well done. No worries.

I am afraid I haven't much mastered the art of spice yet. I still feel like I'm not able to give my best in that aspect, but I'm lucky that my readers are so sweet towards anything I write.

My most important ingredient for creating a spicy story would be to have the perfect build up before the first scene and then have a good balance between the plot of the story and the steamy scenes. There are many books where the relationship is often completely based on sex which I never wish to have for my books. I want my couples to feel a connection to a deeper level than just physical, so that's what I root for the most.

AfterDark Team: The pinch of love and chemistry, that's what makes the difference, I agree 😉

And we keep learning every day! You're so humble, though. The success of your stories isn't only about luck, trust your readers!

By the way, is there something you want to tell your sweet readers before we wrap it up? Maybe give them a little sneak peek or teaser for stories to come?

Iya_fictional: I just want to thank my readers for being there for me in both my worst and best times. I live for them. Literally ❤

I have some exciting new stories coming in and all I can tease is that — they would be worth looking forward to.

AfterDark Team: Thank you so much for chatting with us! We had a fun time, and we'll be on the lookout for all your new stories coming!

Don't forget to follow Iya_fictional to see more of her diverse universe!

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