Fall into Autumn

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[Madhu, After Dark] Autumn! I love the name and the season!
So, I'm sure the first thing your readers would love to know is who you are outside of Wattpad. I'm curious too :P

[Autumn, Featured Author] Thank you, I must say my mother named me Autumn because it's her favorite time of year as well as mine. And, thank you for this opportunity to be here to share with you and all of wattpad community.

Well, I am a stay at home mom of two amazing beautiful boys and happily married to a wonderful, loving and supportive man. I'm just a simple country girl that lives out in the countryside. I love my blue-jeans and pullover t-shirts. I do love shopping, but rather be out riding four-wheelers with my boys, fishing or working in the yard. I grew up on a farm all my life and still do. Farm work alone can keep you pretty busy at times. So, my time is pretty much booked up with all the responsibilities I have to tend to as a wife, mother, and daughter. In my spare time I finally get some writing in.

[M] A country girl then? You'd probably get along really well with my friend Jetta, she's a country girl at heart too!

[A] We have something in common then! :) I'm sure Jetta and I would get along wonderfully. I've always lived out in the country and wouldn't have it any other way. It's peaceful and quiet, sometimes not so much.

[M] Well, I'd dare say that girl, you've got your priorities straight! :P

[A] Thank you so much. Sometimes I am so swamped with so much to do in so little time. It's crazy. My mother is in very bad health and my dad was, but he is starting to recover. My mother's health is just not good. I try to do whatever she needs me to do as well.

[M] Oh! Sorry to hear that! Hope she recovers soon!

I wanna know how you got into writing?

[A] A dear friend of mine that I grew up with is a publishing author. Beth sent me the first romance novel that she wrote as a gift. That is when I really got into reading. If I had free time I always had a book in my hand. Books put me in a whole new world I can lose myself in. All the worry and stress melts away when I open one. When I came across this amazing app, Wattpad :) I thought why not give it a shot. I sat down and started writing. Once I started writing I knew I had found something that I truly love to do during my free time. I realized that I enjoyed creating my very own story. For me, writing is a stress reliever. It relaxes me because it puts me in a completely different world where there is no worry to consume my thoughts. I finally got up enough courage to share my stories with you all and here I am. I have found my happy place in writing.

[M] Glad that it got you up until this point! :)
What's your favourite genre? Werewolf and obviously, a splurge of romance in it?

[A] Oh, most definitely werewolf and romance as well.

[M] That's cool! I do love reading about possessive alpha males! Human or otherwise!
From one fellow writer to another, I want to know what's your writing kryptonite

[A] I would have to say my writing kryptonite is tear jerks from beginning to end. I just cannot handle that. No way could I write one. I would probably be a very depressed person by the time I finished writing it. They do have lots of meaning, but I want to write something that gets my blood pumping and puts me in a good mood. If possible I want to make others laugh and feel good too. I hardly ever watch a sad movie either. So, when my family is watching a sad movie I write. Writing puts me in my happy place while they are in a happy place enjoying a sad movie ;) You have to stick with what makes you feel good. Someone else can write a story that is sad, but it makes them feel good. It's just whatever suits the writer and makes them happy.

[M] That's GREAT inspiration for other writers too! I sure as hell did not anticipate this coming from me! But, did you always want to become a writer from a young age?

[A] Oh no, when I was young I had no thoughts of writing. My interest starting at the young age of 5 was dance. I had the opportunity to go to New York to perform at the age of 17. I got the chance to meet with an agent that was determined to change my southern accent, but I learned real fast that planes terrify me. I chose to come home and stay put. This country girl adores the quiet farm life. I got to experience the big busy city life and it just wasn't me. If a small town country girl can go that far anyone can make it doing whatever they love. I still dance, though. I just don't travel anywhere to perform. My passions consists of writing, music and dance. That's why I speak of songs or dance sometimes in my stories. Double up the fun in writing :)

[M] We've got a writer and dancer on our hands! Well, you're multi-talented, aren't you!?
Apart from your obvious love towards wolves, do you have a particular inclination towards any other animals? Well, random question, since you live on a farm :P

[A] I don't know all about that, haha. I do believe I'm blushing. I still have lots of improving to do with my writing. I would not have made it this far if it wasn't for all the wattpad support. I don't take that for granted for a split second.

On to animals :) I love all animals, but wolves are at the top of my list :) One thing I've always said about animals that makes them so special and easy to love. Animals can't talk back or judge you. They are true loyal friends.

[M] So, now that you've got the experience, what would be the advice you would give to writers who are newbies, both to eroticas and otherwise?

[A] To go for it, don't be afraid and don't give up. If writing is what makes you happy, do it. Follow your heart and see where it leads you. Don't let anyone tell you any different! It took me a month to talk myself into uploading the first few chapters of my first book. One thing to keep in mind! Place yourself around those that lift you up and encourage you. Ignore those that put you down or your writing. You will always have someone out there to try and discourage you. If you give up, you give up your happiness for someone that is not.

[M] That was a great piece of advice and so very true! :)
That's for the writers out there, but what's your motto for life? Something you live by.

[A] My motto is a quote you might have heard. "Stand up for what you believe in, even if it means standing alone." We are all created different, but we are all equal. We all bleed red. "Give a peace of your heart instead of your mind." That's what the world needs. I have a very soft heart when it comes to humanity. I can't stand to see anyone hurting physically or emotionally.

[M] You are a true inspiration!

So, can we expect any other new updates soon from you regarding any new steamy books?

[A] Right now Serving The Beast is still in progress. The Noble Alpha sequels will be up and running afterwards. I do have an idea for another book in romance, but it will be at a later date after I finish all my sequels. I was asked if I had thought about writing an Erotic One Shots book. I do love writing steamy scenes and my husband that has joined me on here loves the steamy goodies as well. So, maybe in the near future I might write one. Until then there will be some steamy romance in my upcoming books.

[M] Nice to know that your husband is also supportive of your writing!
So, I would like to thank you for the time you've taken for the interview! I'm sure that you will be just as successful in your future endeavours as you are now, if not more!

[A] Thank you so much for the opportunity. I couldn't be happier to do this interview with you. I am truly grateful to everyone for bringing me this far! .  

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