The Talented Tina

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[Madhu, After Dark] Tina, can you tell us a little about yourself? What's your background in writing, where did it begin?

[Tina, Featured Author] I'm Tina Fausett and currently live in Oklahoma but part-time in New Orleans. I have two children and a granddaughter, who by the way, introduced me to Wattpad.

I began writing in grade school, short stories, poems. Always an avid reader, I think I was born to tell my own stories. "To Kill a Mockingbird" when I was 9 or 10 really lured me in, but when I was 11 or 12 and read "Gone With the Wind", I was hooked. Everyone has a story...some of us just have to tell theirs.

[M] "To Kill a Mockingbird" is one of my favourite books too! You wrote Tit For Tat for one of our contests. Where did you get the inspiration to write it?

[T] Actually, it stems from a real relationship...much like Emily and Jackson's 12 year friendship. Then I threw in a few past experiences, added a touch of imagination, and there you have it.

I typically try to write what I know about so the characters are believable. I use parts from conversations I've actually had with people. I've made that drive from the Denver Airport and bantered back and forth. It's fun for me to draw from my memory and be able to use old things while creating something new.

[M]The drive must've been funny. What are your hobbies? What do you like do to past time?

[T] The drive was very amusing.

Writing is my passion. I guess I'd have to say painting, traveling, spending time with loved ones...with a business and writing, I have so little time left over. I love sitting on my porch with family and friends, sharing some wine, conversation, laughter and stories.

[M] And we have a multi-talented writer!

I'm sure your readers will love to know what's the next story you're planning to write?

[T] I've just finished a continuation of Tit for Tat called "Touche". I really enjoy the Emily and Jackson characters and plan on writing more chapters of their crazy, love, friendship.

I have a book that's been featured in Romance for over a year titled, "Nightchild" and have been planning on doing a sequel to it. But I've gotten so caught up in "A Shift in the Universe" and its insanely odd, yet wonderful (in my eyes) characters, that I can't tear myself away from them.

"A Shift in the Universe" is the first book in the Collision Series. I recently completed it and am now in the process of doing one last edit. I've already written several chapters for book two, "When Worlds Collide" but haven't posted them yet.

I have poetry that I'll be posting intermittently and have been playing around with the idea of trying my hand at a screenplay.

[M] I've read Tit For Tat and the sequel. I loved them and I'm looking forward to reading the next part!
One thing I've noticed from in your books, is that your characters have varied mannerisms, but what five adjectives would you use to describe yourself?

[T] Only five? Well...kind, generous, grateful, fun and loving. That's just the first layer.

[M] :P I wouldn't mind if you dumped a whole load of them on me!
My version of fun would probably be going out for drinks with the gang and doing something like getting a tattoo just for the heck of it. But, if you'd get something tattooed, what would it be?

[T] Well that sounds like fun to me, too. I have considered getting a tattoo for a long time, like you, just for the heck of it. Probably a shamrock on me bum. I'm a bit playful, slightly crazy, respectful, dedicated. I'm definitely at a point in life that I'm not really too concerned about what other people think of me...I am what I am and that's all that I am....

[M] *hugs you* I got to that point where I'm never concerned about what people *cough* haters *cough* think of me, but I guess I was hardwired that way when I was born. Funnily enough, my iPod was on shuffle and Twenty Pilots song was playing saying "my name's blurry face and I care what you think." :P
Talking about haters, what is one thing you hate to do? In writing or otherwise.

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