1.Just hungry on a Friday night.

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Your life wasn't the best, you where a "normal person" just trying to live life, but being responsible was hard you thought to yourself as you held a few dollars in your warm hands. i'm hungry and the only cheep fast food around here was Jack In The Box you said Fuck it and put on some baggy pants, baggy shirt and a sweater you had found on you bed, everyone always called you homeless or talked behind your back because of your hair but you didn't gaf (you did actually).

You walk out of a family members house, a lump in your throat and a bit of tears form in your eyes. They had yelled at you for the most stupidest things. The cold wind brushed your face you take your phone out of your pocket put on your headphones/earbuds and play music. Music always help you calm down the lump in your throat went away shortly after and before you knew it you where walking into the fast food establishment. You take you ear bud out and hear someone say "Hi welcome to Jack In The Box, what would you like to order?" You turn a see a girl she was wearing the jack in the box uniform and she had brown hair dark brown eyes glasses and on her name tag you read 'kelly' she looked a bit tired but kept a small smile on her face waiting patiently for you to order. You looked at the menu your hands sweating as you fiddle around with them Fuck why am I getting so nervous and anxious you thought before just ordering what ever comes to your head first "Uh can I get 2 tacos, 5 piece chicken nuggets, value Fry's and a drink." "Alright that will be 5.15 plus tax, your number will be 23" you nod putting your head down and quickly looking back up to say thank you in a way

you walk to a random seat and sit down you look up seeing a poster it had Jack the mascot on it he was holding a cup that said best boss ever he had some Hawaiian leis neclass type of thing, you felt a smile on your face you didn't know why you thought he was attractive out of everyone "Maybe I have a mask kink? Nah  maybe only for him." You whispered to yourself while giggling as you analyze the poster you realize it said 'NOW HIRING WORK HAPPY' hm I do really need a job, need some money before you could think of anything else you heard your number you quickly walked up and grabbed your food you were scared to ask but mutterd out "Is there a way I can apply to work here" "Yeah, yeah did you want to apply?" She asked me "Yeah sure I really need some money." She bent down and grabbed me a paper that read 'now hiring' "Thank you" you told the girl behind the cash register that's been nothing but nice to you.

You had signed it and put your information ate your food cleaned up and walked back to the counter giving the girl Kelly the paper "Thank you for applying" you just nod to her and wave goodbye before putting in your headphones/earbuds and walking out the cold wind touched your body as you walked back home.

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