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This shit has so many misspells

Both of you lay there panting. Your body switches and trembles from the impact. Shortly after Jack got up, you felt arms wrap around your body and pick you up.
You didn't bother to open your eyes you felt way too tired.
You simply wrapped my arms around him.

He placed you down on the bed and laid a warm blanket over you. The urge to use the bathroom hit you Not now you let out a small groan.
You didn't want to bother Jack but either way, you had to ask him where the bathroom was or else you'd get lost in his big ass house. You turn around to ask him but before you could say anything you see him staring back at you he then asks"Everything alright?" you quickly answer back "Where's the bathroom?" He points to the right side of the room "Thanks."
That's a bathroom? Looks like a closet to me.

Your legs tremble a bit as you got up from the warm comfy bed the cold floor touched your bare feet. The room was pitch black. You squint your eyes trying to adapt to the dark, your hand touches the cold door knob you find the light switch shortly after and do your business.
As you wash your hands you stare at yourself in the mirror in front of you. You left the bathroom and got in bed with jack you let out a sigh remembering you have work the next night though those thoughts went away shortly after Jack had held you close to him.

Your arm collapsed onto his chest hugging him back, shortly after you fell asleep.
You had sleeping problems but Jack's presence calmed you it comforted you. it felt good to be around.

Ik this chapter ain't much but I'm sure the next one will be better.

337 words thank you all for the support. 😭

I feel tons better thank you all for your get well comments 🤭🤭🤭

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