2.The email.

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You layed In bed sleeping your room a total mess you never had time or motivation to clean it. Hours later around 12-1 you finally wake up feeling unrested your body felt way to tired to get up yet, you layed there for a few minutes holding your pet on your chest (if you don't have one just pretend you had your hands on your chest) you sigh sitting up moving your pet (or hands) to the side you rub your eyes you stood up pulling the blanket off you, your legs felt num but you just stood there feeling dirt crumbs under your feet, you look around your surroundings before telling yourself "Damn this room in a big ass mess." You didn't really care much but just walked to the bathroom a cold breeze of air touches your body dispite your warm clothes covering your body you let out a sigh.

You walk back to your room checking your phone seeing you got a email from the fast food place you had applied for. It read "Hello Mrs/Mr L/N (last name) we received a paper claiming you wanted to apply, do you still want to apply? We have a spot open and we would gladly have a background check on you and if you fit in well you'll get the job." Your replyed to it "Yeah I still want to apply and I gladly agree" you would have told one of your friends that you could have a chance of getting a job just now but non of your friends would really care. You went to the meeting you had they did a background check on you everything was fine and that's how you started working at Jack In The Box you got the same hours as that one girl that was nothing but nice to you you tried your best to remember her name but but bad memory held you back from remembering, she walked up to you started up a conversation about how to work everything it was pretty easy but the only thing you had a bit of trouble with was the talking to people.

I heard the other workers talking about Jack, saying that he was going to check if the workers where behaving well and if the place looked fine sometime today. You didn't believe he would but something you couldn't keep your mind out of was that poster you could catch yourself starring at that same Jack poster you couldn't help but think 'damn how can that dude be so fine mm.' but before you could continue day dreaming about the dude you hear the ding of the doors opening before you had looked at who it was you said "Hello welcome to Jack In-" before you even finished you heard a chuckle you looked up to see who it was your eyes widened a bit, you were left speachless you thought the other workers were joking but the man himself, Jack was standing right Infront of you. He was tall the red smile and blue eyes on his face starring down at me.

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