Supreme croissant.

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It was morning,
Jack was curled up on the side of the bed snoring. He looked comfortable, mean while your legs felt sore and you still felt tired. The sun peaked through the blinds hitting your face, you're eyes burned. You turned your body to the opposite side and pulled the covers over you hoping to get more sleep.

After a few minutes of laying there, you sat up and stared at the wall. You couldn't fall asleep. You pulled the covers off and a sudden breeze of cold air hit your bare legs.
your eyes trailed down to your legs you realize you only had underwear/boxers and your shirt on, and you thought to yourself I don't remember being dressed me. You got up, the cold floor touched your bare feet, you walked out of the room looking for your phone and your pants. You walked down the stairs to find yourself in the living room, your phone was on a lamp stand and your pants were neatly folded on the couch.

You had put on your pants and checked your phone suddenly you remembered that in 2 hours Kelly, her friend named Melanie, and you were going to go out to eat somewhere. Kelly would mention Melanie sometimes. Melanie worked at the same Jack In The Box just that she had a mid-day shift, you heard things about her from kelly she seemed a bit similar to you just that you're stupid and slow asf. You got up and walked upstairs as soon as you entered the room you saw Jack bent down grabbing something from the floor. Damn bros thicc you thought to yourself, you glanced to the bed it was neatly made. He turned to you and stood up properly "Need anything? You seem hungry you should get a Supreme croissant from my place" He said his voice sounding cheerful and energetic. "Yeah that sounds good right now. I need a ride home as well."
His expression was the same smile. You had a slight limp as you walked to the bed and sat down. Jack watched as you limped to the bed, he walked over and sat next to you "Did I go to rough?" "If a car runs me over am I hurt? Yeah maybe you did go a bit rough" he had said nothing in return just put his hand on your cheek. You turned to look at him his round blue eyes stared down at you "My apologies" he said in a warm voice as he leaned in and left a small kiss your forehead. You felt so nervous at that moment your cheeks turned into a pink tint you felt yourself cringe a but but it felt good. You stared up at him and he let out a slight chuckle "Alright let's get you something to eat then I'll take you home" You simpley nodded and just like that you where being dropped off at home with a Breakfast Supreme Croissant.

Sorry for not updating sooner Its gonna get better maybe you'll meet his son later? You'll find out.

519 words

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2023 ⏰

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