The car

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(Maybe smut next chapter you'll find out 🤭)

You felt arms pulling you into them. They had pulled you into a hug it felt nice that someone was hugging you, no one ever really tryed to hug you. You hugged back it felt warm and comforting sudently you hear a voice. "Hey look deepy I apologize for what happened" it was Jack. You didn't answer just kept your arms around him, he tried to pull away but you didn't let go you kept your arms around his abdomen and your head on his chest. His presence felt so good to be around, he smelt good too.

He puts his arms around you again and says "You need a ride home? Or wanna come over so that Ronald could see what a beautiful person I have" you feel you cheeks burn as you hear him call you beautiful. You didn't know what to say so you just nod and before you knew it you were in jacks car. You thought to yourself 'Wait doesn't Jack have a wife?' You spoke up as he was driving you to his house "hey" he stared into the street before quickly answering "No no call me Jack it's alright" you looked down at your lap your hands tucked in between your thighs "Well jack don't you have a wife?" "Oh that, well not technically she's only there for advertisements why do you ask?" "Just curious." He would glance at you at time. You looked at him, your eyes trailed his body he looked so good from this angle.

 You looked at him, your eyes trailed his body he looked so good from this angle

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