3.he's so damn tall

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He let out another chuckle as he saw the look on my face. I didn't know what facial expression I was making but jack sure found it funny. My cheeks burned my heart rate felt like if it was skiping a beat 'this man looks so damn breedable I'd suck him off if I could' my mind went crazy with unholy thoughts sudently I snap back seeing Jack snap his fingers together trying to get me out of my trance.

"Do I really look that fine? You can't stop starring" Jack said looking down at me it looked is if he where reading my name tag in my. "Hm y/n?" He said one of his hands on my back, he removed it shortly after before walking ferther into the establishment. Your cheeks where bright red the man you had always simped over had just talked to you and touched your back ain't no way that happened you stood there like a statue not knowing what to say or do.

Kelly walks over to you and says "gurl he's flirting with you did you see how he had his hand on your back" You looked at her you face all red blushing in embarrassment "Bro kelly he's fine asf but idk what to do" you say bending down trying to calm yourself down not wanting to show how embarrassed you were. Sudently Kelly walks away from you and you hear jack whisper to her "Are they okay?" You heard Kelly say "They're just a bit tired and stressed" "Is night to hard for them to handle? They could change if there's space to." He sounded a bit concerned about me. I wonder why.

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