His house

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Shortly after you arrived to his house it was a pretty big house it was a 2 story. You lived in a messy small house with some family members so his house seemed really big and fancy. "damn jack I didn't know you'd be all luxurious" he responded with "pshh this house is nothing" your jaw fell to the floor as you thought 'THIS HOUSE IS NOTHING TO HIM WHAT.' "close your mouth someone can slip a moldy burger king fry in there if they wanted to." You gave him a small push playing around with him "Your so funny mhmmm" you say sarcasticly letting out a small laugh.

He leads you into his house unlocks the front door turns on the lights and your eyes widen seeing all the things in his house things you would never get your hands on sudently he turned on some led lights?. You turn to look at where he was and he was sitting on something that looked like a box chair? it was way to dark for you to tell.

 You turn to look at where he was and he was sitting on something that looked like a box chair? it was way to dark for you to tell

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He looked at you seeing you stare. He gestured for you to come closer you did as he asked. The closer you got the more noticeable the bulge in his pants was, he was trying to cover it with his leg. The position he was in is called was cross-legged. You got closer to him and he said "Y/n can you do me a favor?" "Y-eah, anything" you stumbled your words a little feeling your heart skip a beat.

What would he do next?

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