OK | annoying

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diyanna presley.

And here he is, ladies and gentlemen, Lucas Scott" Mouth said into an invisible mic.

"You know If there wasn't a basketball game tonight people could've been interested in what you were saying Mouth" I told him laughing, he wanted to be a sport reporter so bad.

"He sucks" Junk said sitting by me "And as a special bonus, we're joined by Junk Moreti" Mouth said.

"You don't have a booth" Junk looked at Mouth as I looked to Skills and Lucas.

"Actually he's 138 and 3" the three of us looked at him confused "Lucas, he's 13- never mind"

I rolled my eyes and started paying to the game.



"For those of you at home, Lucas wears his black shorts tonight with his traditional white high - tops" Mouth said once again in his unreal mic.

"You do know he's currently playing without a shoe contract Mouth" Jimmy said to him.

i laugh, Jimmy really does want to be a sports anchor in the future

Mouth stands up "Luke flashes in the paint, Fergie finds one on the wing.. Scott for the game!" he yells as the game finishes.

"thats my bestfriend!" i yell standing up.

the guys walk towards us, "you guys remember Tom Dugan from grade school"

"he used to live right next door to you right?" Lucas asked. Junk nodded his head yes "some guy snapped him with a wet towel, and he lost one of his testicles"

i laughed "come on" Lucas laughed as well.

"Whatchu reading nowadays Scott?" Skills asked Lucas, we all looked towards him "Steinbeck, 'The Winter of Our Discontent'" i nodded my head.

I think that's a good book, I walked passed by it when I was in the library.

we all turned around when we saw Peyton Sawyer drive pass the river court.

Junk was saying some shit about her being naked on her webcam.

"you know, i saw her the other day, she almost ran over me, of course" lucas told us.

"of course she would, her and her bitch Nathan Scott would do anything to end you" i laughed

"yeah, well she fine as hell though" skills said.

"she's pretty cute" lucas shrugged, but him and i both knew he had a massive crush on her back in junior high.

the guys all laughed and spoke at the same time "yeah right Luke"

he scoffed "just shoot for teams ok?" he wrapped his shoulder around me.

"what's your mom cooking for diner?" i asked him walking towards Karen's Café.

"I think chili" he said. I moaned "i love your moms chili"


"hey ma" i said to Karen as Luke and I walked into Karen's Café.

"hey mom" Karen hugged the both of us "hey hon, here" she passed him a bowl full of chili "you staying for dinner D?" i nodded and she passed me a bowl of chili as well.

"the magazine page are sticky again, little pervs. Hey D, oh hey Luke, you been reading this?" Haley said as she walked from the back to the front of the cafe.

"Is that the "Why do I hang out with these people?" issue, because you're on that cover right?" Luke answered back.

"No, actually, it's "my second best friend is an idiot" issue" she looked shocked "oh my god, there you are"

"Second best friend? who's first?" he asked

"don't be dumb Luke we all know it's me" i ruffled his hair.

Lucas scoffed.

"i introduced you guys to each other, you know that right?"

"Haley would you like to join to us?" Karen asked Hals

"Hell yes" I wasn't joking when I said Karen made a great chili.

"so how was your day honey?" Karen obviously asked to Lucas but Haley still answered instead.

"Good thanks, "good" is relative considering a third of the world is starving which does not change the fact that i am clumsy as hell. Did i tell you that I fell down today? Yeah I slipped off the curb, face down but in the air." she finished. I just laughed as Karen look at haley with a concerned face.

"too graphic?" she asked and Karen nodded "sorry i'll just stay quiet"

these people are my family, i love it here.


The whole English class was in the library so I was obviously sharing a table with Lucas as the unimportant Scott sat a table away from us.

"i hate this book you know? least the teacher could do is give us a good book right? but nahhhh always gotta give some shit that ain't worth reading" I ranted to Luke.

"I like this book" he looked offended "of course you do, you're a fucking bookworm. you're supposed to like this shit" i looked at him. "fucking bookworm" i mumbled under my breath but he heard me and hit my foot underneath the table.

some old ass coach walked into the library looking for someone.

"Scott" he said, Luke and I went back to what we were doing, nobody calls Lucas "Scott" we all know that that's for some other asshole.

"What's up coach?" the asshole answered but the coach didn't even look towards his way "not you, you" and he pointed at Lucas.

"ooh you did some shit didn't you?" i asked him and he was as confused as me.

"not that i know off" he said quietly to me

"you," coach pointed towards Nathan "read a book or something" I laughed at that joke.

The assrat mugged me.

i rolled my eyes "bitch"

Luke took his things and walked with the coach.

"i need to figure out who the fuck he is" i said quietly to myself still laughing at his dig for that devil spawn.


(authors note):800 words for the first chapter seems weak but i divided the first episode into two chapters so 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️

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(authors note):
800 words for the first chapter seems weak but i divided the first episode into two chapters so 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️

tuti 🎸

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