OK | senior year

415 16 11

diyanna presley-scott

"so how's living with brooke davis like?" dylon asked over the phone, it'd been almost two weeks since i've moved in with brooke, and school was just about to start.

brooke had been planing this whole senior bonfire thing to start of the school year.

i've been avoiding nathan like hell, i make sure to go to places i know he wouldn't normally be at and if i see a figure that looks a little like his, i walk the other way.

"you know what, it's not as bad as i thought it'd be, brooke's a good roommate" i say, brooke then walks in the apartment with haley and peyton behind her.

"who are you on the phone with?" she asks "my brother" she rolled her eyes "still don't understand the fact that you two are somewhat related"

haley and peyton both give her a look "what? it's true" she defends herself "he's adopted?" haley mentions.

brooke shrugs, "is he coming to the bonfire tonight?"

"hey are you coming to the bonfire tonight? brooke wants to know for some reason" i hear some walking around before it just stops "uh yeah, i'll be there but i'm pretty sure nathan will be there too"

i looked down to my ring on my finger "i'll just be extra careful not to bump into him then"

"i'll make lucas beat him up for you, we all know he can" he said seriously "no need for violence dyl, well not right now at least"

he laughs "i don't care, i don't like how he's acting right now, it's really childish of him, he's your husband he needs to act like it or you need to divorce him" i could just hear him shrug even thought it's not humanly possible.

"hey, i have to go, luke is here i'll see you tonight" "i'll see you"

i look at brooke just to realize she went to our room, i got up to go find her "yeah he said he's coming to the bonfire with lucas later"

she grins a little "good, the more the merrier"


nathan scott

"you didn't tell me you were married" bella tells me as she puts her shirt back on "i did" i deadpan.

"well you didn't tell me it was freaking diyanna you were married to" i roll my eyes "does it change anything?"

"it does nathan, my favourite song for the past month was made by your wife which means i was probably listening to her sing a love song about you"

my mind went back to 'One in a million' she had finally released it and it did well.

especially here, it's been playing on the radio and everything, tree hill always representing for their own.

i quickly change the subject to something else "are you going to the bonfire?" i know brooke was hosting it and i was definitely going to go, but brooke is also diyanna's best friend so that made it automatically uncharted territory for me.

she nodded "yeah, were you?" i nodded back to her, i wanted to see if diyanna would be there.

"got nothing better to do before school starts tomorrow"

she smiles "you guises cheerleading team any good?" my eyes widen a little, she doesn't know that brooke is captain and brooke is best friends with diyanna.

"yeah, we're pretty good" i decide not to tell her, she's been a little obsessed with diyanna as of late.

she puts her hair in a ponytail, but the way she styled it, you'd never see diyanna wear it that way.

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