OK | welcome home

693 20 3

present day.
nathan scott

"three questions, you ready?" lucas says to me as i help him get up from the ground.

"is that you first one?" i ignore it "number one; where's your hair?"

"left it in charleston, you and diyanna still married?"

"she hasn't thrown me out yet and her dad hasn't killed me yet so i'd say yes" i start "number two; why'd you come back?"

there was a pause but then he sighed "it was the right thing to do, but that actually brings me to my number two; how's your" he hesitates "how's dan doing?"

"he's alright, probably still freaking out about diyanna and me, just like my mom"

i laugh "ok last one, you regret not telling diyanna you were leaving?"

he looks down "yeah man, i just know she won't talk to me, i was mad when i left and i- and i just went up and left without saying anything to her"

he shook his head, "man i can definitely see your family tripping out" he laughs "i mean i freaked out when you called and told me you and diyanna got married and im not even related to her"

"i mean now you are" i tell him "i would pay some good money to see how dylon would react to this"

i scrunch my face "yeah i don't know if you actually would"

.. .. ..

diyanna scott.

"are you pregnant?" brooke asked me straight up as i invited her and peyton into my house.

"not pregnant, i love plan b and plan b loves me"

"i mean you have to be pregnant because there's no way you actually wanted to marry nathan"

i just look at her, "i mean you'd look great pregnant but me" she scoffs "id just-" she cuts herself off and just looks somewhere in disgust.

"or you know maybe she's just in love brooke" peyton comes to my defence.

"yeah i don't like agreeing with peyton but i just, i want to spend the rest of my life with him because life's too short"

brooke laughs "with that being said maybe you should drop a song or something, you could definitely put Tree Hill, north carolina on the map yanna"

"honestly fuck tree hill"

.. .. .. .

"lucas is back" nathan tells me, i didn't care, he gave a letter to peyton and brooke telling them he was leaving, he went to go see mouth and the rest of them to say he was leaving hell he even told my brother, but didn't care to tell me.

"good for him" he sighed "he's sorry for not telling you that he left"

"did you guys become bestfriends over night before he left or what?" i remember when i drove to his house that day to tell him about nathan and i getting married to karen telling me he was leaving to live in charleston with keith.

i wasn't even mad that he left, its just i was disappointed, he had told everyone but me. me the oldest friend he ever had.

"i mea-" i cut nathan off "i don't even care to know what you'd say honestly because i might laugh at you"

i stood up aggressively "i mean he even told peyton! peyton!" i groan "he could go to hell for all i care" i express.

nathan stands up and kisses my forehead before he held my face "you don't mean that, you know he cut his hair"

"what? why?" he shrugged "i don't know, when i asked, all he said was that he "left it in charleston" or whatever that means" i roll my eyes "anyways i don't want to hear about lucas, i want something else to think about"

"what do you want to think about?" i looked at him "i don't know, maybe, you know, you in me?"

"oh" i laughed as he hurriedly picked me up and dragged us to the living room, our room was too far away.

(authors note); was supposed to publish this earlier but whole chapter got deleted so this chapter finna be short sorry :(

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(authors note); was supposed to publish this earlier but whole chapter got deleted so this chapter finna be short sorry :(

hate this but yall deserve SOMETHING, and if u don't like the chapter blame wattpad 🙄

i'll try to update as much as i can but know i can't always cs imma be spending my time trying to live cs theses teachers are actual bitches

tell me why these teachers giving me 5 EXAMS IN THE SAME FUCKING WEEK 🤨🤨🤨

tuti 🎸

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