OK | haley

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i called haley, because i know she was feeling guilty about the whole nathan thing but, my conscience forgave her the exact time i figured out she regretted it.

i could just tell by her eyes, im pretty sure that was a look of regret in her eyes.

she said that she'd be on break at work in fifteen minutes so i stopped by the CD store so that I could buy the new Beyoncé CD.

"hey jazzy" jazzy and I have been friends since she moved here which was three months ago, but we're not that close for us to hang out at school together i guess.

"hey diyanna, the new beyonce?"

"you know my music taste so well" i smirked.

she rolled her eyes but still smiled "here saved this just for you, just in case you'd come"

"thanks pretty" and i handed her a twenty dollar bill "keep the change"

i made my way to Karen's Cafe actually dreading it.

i open the door to get in and see Haley in the corner by herself reading a book.

I make my way over to her, and sat down.

she sighed, i know she's dreading it aswell.

"hey" i mumble but loud enough for her to say it back. "why did you kiss nathan if you knew i like him?"

she seems a little shocked that i go right for the kill.

"i'm not actually sure why" i laugh.

"you're not sure to why you kissed nathan? i'm not stupid haley, you kissed him for a reason"

she looked around, kind of to like make sure nobody was around to hear what she was about to say or something.

"i don't like nathan" she whispers "yes you do or you wouldn't had even thought of doing that to me! to our friendship" i yell at her, karen looks our way and points to the door as if she's saying we need to take it outside.

we leave the cafe and go to the roof instead "i don't like nathan, diyanna" i could see her eyes start to water and her cheek's reddening.

"so why would you kiss him hals?" i soften my tone, i don't want to make her cry, i just want to know why she'd do something like that to me.

"because im not normal" i turn to look at her "what?" she's pretty normal to me.

"there's something wrong with me like" she paused "mentally!"

i'm confused "what's wrong with you?" i don't mean to make it sound harsh but it kind of just sounds that way to her i think.

"i don't like guys the way you and every other girls likes guys" she whispers.

she doesn't want anyone to hear what she's saying.

"you're gay?" i whisper it because i know she doesn't want anyone to know and she's confided in me so this is really important.

she starts sobbing and throwing her hands everywhere "i kissed nathan because i was being selfish and wanted to know if i wasn't crazy, as if my heart would ever betray me!"

i just look at her crying, not sure what to do.

"i'm hundred percent sure i'm fucked up in my head" she cries.

"why would you be fucked up in the head?" who told her being gay is a mental illness

"because i shouldn't feel this way towards girls!" she yelled.

"haley, there's nothing wrong with the way you feel, it's not a mental illness, it's your heart. the same way i like nathan is the same way you could like any girl" i tell her and hug her.

"you're my bestfriend, haley, i love you and there's nothing wrong with you" i tell her once again just to make sure she heard me.

"i love you too"

(authors note): internalized homophobia sucks as a LGBTQ+ person, so i feel for haley

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(authors note): internalized homophobia sucks as a LGBTQ+ person, so i feel for haley.

short chapter today

anyways i have a tiktok account just for my wp books, yall should go check it out.

its tutiwriites.

tuti 🎸

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